Help with cals from exercise!

Hi All,

My current calorie intake goal is 1360cals a day, which is fine and I have experience and average loss of around 1kg a week.

Recently I have increased my exercise (trying to increase fitness & endurance) and am burning a lot more cals.

Previously I have eaten back some of my cals but not usually all and sometimes none at all, it just depends on how I feel on the day and what I'm doing but now I am concerned since I am burning significantly more.

For example, yesterday morning I did a 2 hour bike ride, burnt over 1050 calories and then in the afternoon did a box fit class and burnt over 550 cals. My calorie intake for the day was nearly 1600 cals and I ended up with a net calorie intake around -100.

Should I be keeping my net intake in positive or is it ok to have a deficit?


  • wikpix
    wikpix Posts: 31 Member
    does anyone have any contributions?
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    I would say the NUMBER 1 thing, is to listen to your body!! if you have extra calories left over at the end of the day, it is not necessary to force yourself to come up to that level, especially if you dont feel the need. I think the best way to plan for a maintenance phase once you've reached your goal is too listen to your body and its true hunger cues, and if you can start now, all the better!
    if you are crankin it up at the gym or on your bike, thats awesome! good for you :) keep up the great work!
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    In my opinion your net calories should never be less that 1200 calories!
  • wikpix
    wikpix Posts: 31 Member
    well, I did a stack of exercise last week, did something every day, most days did well over 1000 cals.
    I increased my calorie intake a little but did not eat back any where near all of my calories (a few days my net was either very low, or even negative!).
    I just weighed in and have lost 1.9kilos!! (4lb 2.9oz)

    I am very pleased with this result. I was worried that my body was going to hang onto everything but it would appear not.

    This is not something that I am planning to continue for an extended period of time, I am just working toward a particular short term fitness goal.