Things You Wish You Could Say

As a general rule I try to be respectful of people's choices here. We're all trying to do what's best for us. But it's amazing how often I look at people's diaries and want to say "WHY AREN'T YOU EATING ANY VEGETABLES?" I can't think of a gentle way to ask the question because I just don't get it, and can't imagine a meal without them. Except maybe breakfast, because I'm a realist.

Is there anything you find yourself not saying to people?

I've braced myself for the answers.


  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I find myself asking, where the bejeesus is the protein and fat (but I am a major proponent of fat being necessary and healthy fats even more so).

    But, as a point of reference, if you have alot of food tolerance/allergies/sensitivities, as I have...sometimes it just doesn't seem worth the trouble to try to get those veggies in when you aren't sure if it is going to make you vomit or break out into hives.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sometimes I want to warn people about the dangers of eating disorders when I see posts about calorie counts that are dangerously low. My mother was an anoretic and had a heart attack as a result. She still isn't up to full speed, years later, and has a host of other issues due to her disorder. It's all taken years off her life. It can and will be fatal without treatment.

    But people will do as they do, and I'm not a medical professional. I just have to hope that they find good support here.
  • sabrakay1
    sabrakay1 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm probably one that doesn't get enough vegetables but I do try :) There are times when I find myself wanting to tell someone I'm concerned because their calories are really low. It also really concerns me when people are within their calories but are eating cookies and ice cream and such. It's great that they maintained their calories, but I just worry that they are not getting proper nutrition. I'd like for people to be honest with me when they see my diary. I may not be aware that I'm doing something that isn't going to help me. I don't want to offend anyone and sometimes I just don't know what to say.