Mile Marker 24 only 2.2 miles to go.



  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    That mile 19 was a mutha****er. It seemed like a wasteland where I was. I still remember that mile. I thought if I volunteered I would request mile 19. It doesn't feel that the 'downhill' because it starts with a 1. After 20, then it was like, "Yeah, I can do this". When I do half marathons and complete, I still head out to mile 19 to help cheer people on. So glad you are out there volunteering. Anything you do will be appreciated.

    Awwww! Thanks!!!!!!!! I'm actually pretty excited about it. I think it will be pretty inspiring for me!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I went with inspirational. I went with "You made it to the start, you WILL make it to the finish". I received tons and tons of thank yous, smiles, thumbs up, a few pics and a whole lotta Amens. It was definitely inspirational and without a doubt makes me want to do a marathon. This was a hillier course for Florida and it was off of the river so a lot of them got hit with a lot of wind, but they all pushed through!!!