This newbie needs stationary bike help please.

ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
AT the gym I bust my butt on the stationary bike for 60 min doing the random hill at a 5-8 level I up it as I go but I only burn 250 calories it says. I feel like it should be more. how does it measure your calorie burn?

What setting should I use to get the max. burn at what level, thank you.


  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    i can't do the bike cause of my hips. have you asked someone that works at the gym? have you tried the elliptical?
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    Yes, I can only do a little on the elliptical something is up with one of my ankles, but I find I can do the bike without ankle problems.
    I think I put alot of wieght on the one foot.

    No I haven't asked I thought nothing of it until I was entering wieght exercise tracking in and when I enter the time the calories are so much higher then what it said on the bike itself.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    You need to input your age and weight into the machines before you start, to get an accurate reading of calories (the standard defaults are low). Of course, they are never 100% accurate anyway because everybody is different.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for your replies and Congrates to you both on your wieght loss it's amazing and inspiring.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I asked the same question a few weeks ago. I burned much more calories when i did manual setting and put it up to like level 8. I was doing the random hills on level 8 and it was burning 1/4 of the calories the manual does. I actually stalk people riding the bikes to see what their caloric burn is and what level. We dont have a trainer or anyone at the gym to show us, so I must stalk . :)
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I will do manual tommorrow, and here I was thinking I was kicking hills butt and how great i'm doing, Thank you.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    That works out to 1 calories every 14 seconds. It seems a little low, not knowing how many rpm/mph you are pedalling. On my bike, I burn about 1 calorie per 7 seconds on level 6-8 (out of 20).

    I have seen elsewhere suggestions of using heart rate monitors to calculate calories burned rather than the exercise equipment. That might be the route to go if you have questions.

    On the other hand, if you are not close to starvation mode, use the lower calorie burn the bike is telling you and realize you are "banking" an unknown number of calories for your deficit each day. :smile:
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    That does sound wrong. I burn 250 calories in 25 minutes on my bike at home, and it does have a HRM. It doesn't seem to care if I do the hill program or set it manually as long as I keep the speed up.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    today I went 19.13 miles in 60 min. I don't what that equals, i don't really think I let up on the pedaling it's never under the 80 usually between 81-94 if my understanding is correct and that is my rpm.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I do appreciate all the replies and help, thank you.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    You were right, I did 60 min. on manual at a 5 level and burned 334.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    awesome girl keep it up :)
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