22 yr old girl in Eugene, OR

So I have been using myfitnesspal for quite some time, like months, and I have always really liked it. However, I find myself going through phases where I used it A LOT and then I totally forget about logging my calories. The problem is the times I don't log is when I am doing poorly, and sometimes I will log when I do poorly just to show myself how poorly I actually am doing. I stopped using it for awhile because I felt like it was becoming an addiction. My boyfriend would get so pissed at me because I'd be like "thats too much of this and that's this many calories" and I would plan my meals around calories, so I quit using it for awhile. Well now I have moved from the southern part of Oregon to the middle of the state to Eugene where I no NOBODY. This has made it hard for me since I am a very outgoing person. I have started logging again with my fitness pal and plan to do so for a good amount of time. I also started BodyRockTv's 30 day challenge today and really enjoy running (although it's hard here in the rain lol) Anyways, just wanted to throw myself out there and I want to make some new friends!

I work as a dental hygienist and am 22 years old, have a huge St. Bernard mix named Tank. I love clothes and fashion (most of my desire to lose weight comes from this). I'm not fat by any means, just normal size. I'm 5'5'' around 150lbs (i fluctuate a lot). Am naturally athletic and competitive, played sports my entire life. I am just a hungry girl who has a hard time telling myself NO! when it comes to cravings, i really like the full filling carbs give me and big meals give me. It's a problem. Ideally I'd like to be around 130 or less, I just want to be skinny!

Help and friends? lol haha