Help---Motivation and other things?!

Okay, heres the deal. I need help, just flat out help. And here is why---I feel like over the years I have tried just about anything to get thin, but I never stick with it, and it's because after like a month I have this epiphany that I am not even fat. This is because i'm 5'5'' around 150 lbs and I am not FAT by any means, just normal sized. So after getting into a routine, the one day I don't want to do it I am like, why do I even do this, i'm not even fat!? Then I quit..... But right now I am miserable, I feel terrible and gross and huge. I hae started trying to lose weight again, but I am afraid I am going to give up again. I think I also feel like this because I have tried so many different things. For instance, I used to be a crossfit junkie, i LOVE crossfit. I got up 4-5 days a week and went to crossfit, ate STRICTLY a paleo diet, and lost maybe 5-10 lbs over a course of 6 months. This isn't "fast" enough for me, especially with how hard I was working my butt off!!! Now I think I am afraid that even though I was working so hard during crossfit, that I will have to work a million times harder than I did before to even see results. UGH it's so frustrating I start to think that it won't work because crossfit didn't even work. How can I change my attitude around? Help!


  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Hmm is the scale the only way you measure success? I look at a whole raft of things, Measurements, DEXA scan, How fit I am (i.e how fast I can run a 1km) how much I can lift, squat, press, what size clothing I wear
    So as an example - I have just finished 12 weeks of Michelle Bridges - I lost only 4kg (about 10 pounds) not much ha...? However I lost 2 dress sizes, 31 cms including 9 cms off waist and 12 cms off hips. I can run my km in under 5mins.

    So maybe change how you measure your performance. to me training is a lifelong thing
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Hmm is the scale the only way you measure success? I look at a whole raft of things, Measurements, DEXA scan, How fit I am (i.e how fast I can run a 1km) how much I can lift, squat, press, what size clothing I wear
    So as an example - I have just finished 12 weeks of Michelle Bridges - I lost only 4kg (about 10 pounds) not much ha...? However I lost 2 dress sizes, 31 cms including 9 cms off waist and 12 cms off hips. I can run my km in under 5mins.

    So maybe change how you measure your performance. to me training is a lifelong thing

    i like this response. Maybe you could try and get into lifting weights? Along with a clean diet. This will help you build muscle, shape your body, probably lose inches and fat. You are right, you are not fat. But you are still getting frustrated with where you are at physically, and maybe lifting weights would help change your physique to a more desirable shape for you? Muscle is more dense than fat, so you may go up a few lbs-probably at first (idk, weight training people would need to pipe in on that one-i just know i am building muscle and my weight loss stalled, BUT my belly is more flat, and jeans are getting too big on me, and shirts are fitting looser), so i would avoid the scale and use measurements around your waist, arms, thighs, etc to gauge your achievements/progress.

  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm a little confused...

    If you don't think you're fat, why are you trying to lose weight "faster" than 5-10 lbs in 6 months?