Do you eat healthy or just under a certain calorie mark?



  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Eat Healthy. When I'm good about WHAT I eat, the calories take care of themselves.
  • ninjakowski
    I eat reasonably healthy, generally stay away from fast foods and most processed foods\.
    I find if I eat junk food too regularly I start to lose control and just can't stop myself eating it. Its easier to stick to healthier foods and not worry about trying to control the crazy cravings I get with junk food.

    I also like to eat quite a lot, I hate having to worry about portion sizes and its much easier when I can eat until I'm satisfied rather than restricting the amounts of everything. I'm not obsessive though and don't stress over a slip up here or there.

    I let myself go a bit on the weekends (we get pizza, have pancakes for breakfast etc) - helps keep me sane during the week. Its a good routine that works well for me, I enjoy all my food and have been maintaining my weight quite easily.
  • CarlaMichelle
    CarlaMichelle Posts: 67 Member
    I try to always eat Clean. I'm eating healthy. i try to stay under 1600 calories but if my healthy food takes me over that mark i'm okay with it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My plan exactly. I don't eat "clean" yet.. I allow myself to eat real food, and junk. I've given it all up in the past and ended up failing many many times. I'm just about at 30lbs lost, so I'm doing something right!!

    I've said from the beginning: I will eat what I want in moderation until it starts to affect me negatively. I had pizza twice lately, and both times, my lips were swollen for a few days. Time to give that up!! I'll just pick up some ingredients so that when the family wants pizza, I can have my pizza too!!

    This post confuses me. Why would you not eat "real food" if you were eating "clean"? I realize people have varying definitions of "clean" but in general clean food would be more real than other (unclean??) food.

    Also, waiting until you have health problems to eat healthy is a dangerous gamble. Some health problems are impossible or very difficult to correct.

    And pizza can be healthy. It's just like any other meal. If you use healthy ingredients it healthy. If you use crap ingredients, it's crap.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Both! I aim for a ratio of 80/20, so most of my calories are nutrient dense, but then I leave some room for fund foods like simple carbs, etc.
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    I find that when I eat healthy, as others have said, I can eat more. Foods that are high in nutrition make me feel and look better. I don't need to wait to get old to see how eating healthy will pay off, I see it daily. When I take care of my body I can tell. When I eat crap I feel like it. When I feel like crap I want more crap and I tend to get lazy. I've read that eating healthy isn't neccessary for weight loss, but I do feel a lot better if I get what my body needs from veggies and stuff.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Kind of a mix. I think that my basic diet is relatively healthy, but we have processed food around too. As we run out of fresh stuff, I have more processed food in my diet for a few days. I try to stay under the top of my calorie budget also but am not always successful.
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I try to stay around 1500 calories and keep my fat at or over 40%. Other than that, I really just can't bring myself to care, especially since most of my food is homemade so it's not like I'm eating a bunch of super processed stuff or fast food.
  • CanadaLiz
    CanadaLiz Posts: 42 Member
    Both I guess.

    I eat under my calorie goal, and am currently utilizing the south beach diet idea (phase 1 - no carbs).....I am a carb addict! I'm eating way less than my calorie goal due to external/stress factors recently but I'm not hungry. I've never been a huge junk food/sweets/fast food person but the odd McDonalds meal certainly found it's way into my stomach.

    I love breads, pasta and the like but am steering clear of anything carb (except the odd glass of wine) for the next few weeks.
  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    I go back and forth. Lately, it's back (am eating waay too much sugar). I know I can cycle it around when I'm more active. Activity dictates things for me. No activity=bad eating.
  • 2Y1Y1Z2
    I've lost 90 lbs since last September and never counted a calorie, but now I'm thinking I need to start as these last 5 lbs are ticking me off! LOL
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    the only way I lose weight is if I make my calories count, not just count my calories.

    but, you're young..

    if I eat 1400 calories of CRAP i will not lose weight. if I eat 1400 calories of nutrient dense and low glycemic sources of calories with a good amount of protein and quality fats, I WILL lose weight.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I try to eat as healthy as I possibly can. This whole process started for me because I wanted to be healthier. So I try to make everything that I do a step towards that goal. The weight loss is fabulous, but feeling healthier is my motivator. Best reinforcement for me was my doctors visit a couple of weeks ago and the lab results that followed!
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 239 Member
    I try to eat healthy because it's the only way I can get enough food to be satisfied and still stay under my calorie goals.
    I do throw in a cookie or other treat here and there to maintain my sanity.
    that's' me exactly! Good luck on your journey!
  • ashleyk12
    I am trying my best to eat healthier and to stay under my calorie goals :) But on the occasion I do have a sweet treat.
  • 2rnip
    2rnip Posts: 49 Member
    I eat mostly crap food yet I managed to lose 40 pounds in just over two months
  • DesireeLovesOrganic