I am this close to giving up



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    You might want to add Sodium to the list of nutrition that the system keeps track of for you. Might help to see that in actual numbers.

    Good luck, and keep going!!!!

    ^ This. People will be quick to jump on you for super unprocessed foods... but the thing is you, didn't come on here saying you gained. Which makes me think you're kind of static... provided you're not losing inches (which you should be relying on as much as, if not moreso, than the number on the scale), the amount of sodium you ingest could literally be causing the water retention making you fail to drop weight (and might make you feel bigger, too).

    However, if eating like you have is what's worked for you to lose those initial pounds, try "shaking" things up... not by switching calories, but trying to more evenly fit your macros (more protein, good fats, maybe less carbs... definitely less sodium!)
  • chrishg
    chrishg Posts: 35 Member
    Agree with all of the above. Really brave of you to open up your diary and let everyone see what you've been doing with the program..... but you need to engage with it or you won't make progress.

    Eat healthily (no junk food for a while) and log everything like an obsession, even a single grape! Exercise regularly and as vigourously as you can. If you don't invest you will get no return.

    I would suggest that you cannot claim to give up the MFP approach at this time becuase, based on your diary, you haven't really started.

    Good luck. I hope you turn it around.
  • Ibelievenme2
    Ibelievenme2 Posts: 96 Member
    Giving up is not an option when it come to healthy living.

    I had a quick look at your food diary and when you fill it in it seems to be stuffed full of high salt products and heavily processed foods. It's just my opinion but you need to revamp your diet.
    Try eating your MFP calorie allowance but replacing the junk with vegetables, fruit, low fat protein and unprocessed carbs.
    I agree I eat a lot of wrong foods, but I am under my calorie intake 6 out of 7 days. My history I lose weight real slow unless I really exercise. Walking helps me. Please don't say you hate yourself over body imagine or anything. You are somebody and you will get this done. The gentleman that post the above quote is right we have to replace some of our old food with healthy food. If it is something you really enjoy try fixing it at home from scratch. That way you know what is going in it. Hang in there PLEASE!!!!!!!!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Lots of processed foods in you log. Take a look at the ingredients list of everything you eat. If you can't pronounce something or the list is eight miles long you don't want to put it in your body. Sure, we all want to be beautiful forever, but food preservatives are not the way to get there. That's not to say you need to toss everything in the fridge and cupboards at once, just shop smarter. When a food item is getting low and it's time to replace it, buy a non-chemical/non-preservative version of that food. You may need to buy the ingredients to make that food yourself.

    The internet has absolutely tons of great sounding recipes. If you don't have time to cook every day, make enough for several days at a time and freeze things.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I agree with most everyone's advice. Use the tools on the system, exercise faithfully - use weights too, change your diet - gradually so that it becomes a habit. Start with adding the fruits and veggies and reducing the high salt. It took me 18 months to get the change I wanted! You can do this if you really want to be healthy.
  • VintageFit
    VintageFit Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you everyone for your answers.

    First off, I did not think about this, but the past month of my food log is NO WAY a good representation of how I usually eat. As someone mentioned I'm a student and just started a new semester with a schedule that has thrown me out of the loop planning wise, so the past month I've been eating a lot on the go or anything that could be quickly prepared in 5 minutes or less. I've also not logged my water intake but I do drink 2-3litres a day.
    I will try to log better from now on, which is sometimes a problem because I'm from Germany and a lot of the food I eat is hard to find in the registry so often I will just try to find something 'close enough' that appears as take out or something like that :C (for example the take-out satay noodles I logged last week are actually just ramen-style noodles mixed with readymade satay sauce, both from an Asian foodstore without any calorie information...)

    As much as I'm excusing myself right now - I know I don't eat as healthy as I should (or could) and I'm only getting into the habit of cooking fresh meals for myself after moving out. What confused me is just that for the first few months, eating as I usually do, it still worked for weightloss and suddenly stopped.
    I'll try to better my eating and find easy recipes and stuff that works for my university schedule.

    Edit: I'm gonna work my way through the thread Helloitsdan posted. I knew some of this stuff already but it has a lot more information.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    dont be mad at the results you arent getting from the work you know you arent really doing.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am not surprised you are not losing.

    1. You are not consistent in logging
    2. On the days that you did log that I looked at, I saw NO beverages. Are you seriously not drinking anything with calories in it? I find that hard to believe. No coffee? No pop? No juice? Beverages can easily account for 25%+ of the average person's calorie intake so if you're not including them, you might be seriously underestimating your cals.

    I think you need to improve your logging habits and your eating habits and you will start to see results. Good luck!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Obviously from other posts of people who've checked your food logs, you need to be consistant with your logging efforts, and cut down on salt and processed foods.

    For the next week do this, and your efforts should improve dramatically
    Log consistantly;
    Focus on lean healthy protein & fiber
    Drink lots of water (at least 8 glasses a day)

    When you do get hungry, ask yourself "do I need fiber or protein?" Sometimes the answer is both. One of my nutritionists told me if you focus on lean, healthy proteins, the carbs and fats will take care of themselves and I've generally found that to be true.

    When you get those mastered, start adding things to it little by little. And no more excuses, whining, wallowing, or negative self talk! They're all too destructive to your efforts!

    For what it's worth - and good luck!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    As stated several times above- we see where your challenge is. Its not going to happen in the gym- anymore than what you are doing.
    You need to revamp your diet- and you need to log in every day and hold yourself accountable- or you are not going to lose weight. In this scenario, maybe you should give up- if you aren't willing to change the diet, figure out those trigger foods that are affecting you, you aren't going to succeed at overcoming the plateau.
    Also- I reviewed your diary- and 3 things I saw- you don't log in regularly- so, self sabotage there. In one week I did not see any fresh fruits, veggies, cooked or otherwise. A lot of processed junk. You seem to allow yourself really high calorie meals at times and skip other meals. So, for you (and most of us) it comes down how we eat, what we eat, and if we are going to be honest with ourselves and log our food. I hope you'll be able make the changes you need to be healthy and get back on track. If you already love fitness- that is half the battle- now time to hit the other half! :)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Thank you everyone for your answers.

    First off, I did not think about this, but the past month of my food log is NO WAY a good representation of how I usually eat. As someone mentioned I'm a student and just started a new semester with a schedule that has thrown me out of the loop planning wise, so the past month I've been eating a lot on the go or anything that could be quickly prepared in 5 minutes or less. I've also not logged my water intake but I do drink 2-3litres a day.
    I will try to log better from now on, which is sometimes a problem because I'm from Germany and a lot of the food I eat is hard to find in the registry so often I will just try to find something 'close enough' that appears as take out or something like that :C (for example the take-out satay noodles I logged last week are actually just ramen-style noodles mixed with readymade satay sauce, both from an Asian foodstore without any calorie information...)

    As much as I'm excusing myself right now - I know I don't eat as healthy as I should (or could) and I'm only getting into the habit of cooking fresh meals for myself after moving out. What confused me is just that for the first few months, eating as I usually do, it still worked for weightloss and suddenly stopped.
    I'll try to better my eating and find easy recipes and stuff that works for my university schedule.

    Edit: I'm gonna work my way through the thread Helloitsdan posted. I knew some of this stuff already but it has a lot more information.

    :smile: You can do this!! I keep fresh fruit with me all the time because I am busy, crazy busy. At minimum, if I need a snack, I have a healthy option with me. Small changes, like this, add up quickly to success.

    My Aha moment came 2 weeks ago, I had been on a plateau for months- it was a couple things that happened at home that made me kick my own butt and decide to stop self sabotaging. I am literally concience of every bite of food I take- and I am rarely eating when not hungry. My trigger time for snacking is evening- with a movie. I still have my snack, I just have found healthier options.
    Keep us posted! :flowerforyou:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    dont be mad at the results you arent getting from the work you know you arent really doing.

    Sexy *****
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Just had a look at your food diary. My suggestions:

    a) log everything every day.
    b) drink a liter of water a day. If you're like me and like sweetness, try the flavored waters (which are fairly inexpensive).
    c) fruits and veggies are your friends. Heavily-processed foods are not.
    d) give yourself some time. You didn't gain all that weight overnight; you won't lose it overnight.
    e) exercise--even if it's a walk around the block every day.
  • katiedidit1
    katiedidit1 Posts: 39 Member
    Chin up! Sounds like your having a frustrating moment. You know what you need to do and I really think you can do it! It is very brave of you to have an open diary and congrats on logging even the cr@p. That is holding yourself accountable. Not everyone will do that.
    Get yourself some good food and lots of water. Don't beat yourself up too much and do a half hour of walking when your stressed. Not cardio walking, headphones on with chill out music and stroll. Let your mind wander for that half hour, you can think about your classes and social life (if you have one during school) after that half hour but let yourself relax for a few.

    Good job on reaching out. You are worth your struggles!
  • redwulf
    redwulf Posts: 18 Member
    You are 22 and you are 28lb from your goal looking at your ticker.

    You can lose 1lb a week and still be in a Bikini next summer, but you need to want it.

    Eat sensibly 5 days from 7, exercise like you mean it 3 times a week and log everything even the slips.

    You'll be fine.
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    Giving up is not an option when it come to healthy living.

    ^^ my new motto
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Don't Give up, I know how frustrating it can be, but remember change can be good. You say nothing has changed in your exercise habits or your eating habits, maybe its time for a change. Your body becomes use to things, tries to think ahead of you and turn things in routine. So if you do the same exercises all the time, it just goes into auto pilot and doesn't push itself because it knows what it is supposed to be doing. That is why you hear people talk about body confusion all the time. Now I'm not saying you need to run out and by insanity or p90x or start going to cross fit or anything, just change up your work outs. If all you do is run on the treadmill start using the bike, if you lift the same routine all the time, switch the days around. I have been working at loosing weight for over two years now, i have lost almost 135 lbs, and I credit it to, supportive friends and family, but changing my workout and meal plan every 3-6 months. Hope that helps and Good luck.