If you had no equipment and £100 to spend...



  • donna_do_good
    Thank you all so much. I still haven't decided 100% what way to go- full weights or cardio kettlebell combo. But you've all helped push me towards weights xx
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    A pull-up bar definitely. A starter weight kettlebell and one a bit heavier for when you get stronger and a copy of "You are your own gym" - packed full of bodyweight exercises.

    This will raise a laugh and some eyebrows among the "heavy lifters" on the forum but that's what I opted for and I am LOVING it!

    This .... and a very good pair of outdoor walking shoes or if you have a good place to go-hiking boots
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Adjustable weights!
  • bakenatj
    Buy a good pair of running shoes. Running for cardio and do body weight training for your strength training. That is all you need to get results.
  • MKolek00
    MKolek00 Posts: 23 Member
    A good pair of running shoes. I've lost 58 pounds so far only spending $12 on a arm band for my iPhone and just recently (last week) bought a nice pair of running shoes. I run 10-15 miles a week
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Buy a good pair of running shoes. Running for cardio and do body weight training for your strength training. That is all you need to get results.

    This is probably true...my somewhat long equipment list was based on the fact that I have a bad back and hips and really can't do heavy lifting or any running (I used to run nearly every day and I like to blame my back for my weight gain but now that I focus on what I can do at the gym I see that's just an excuse). I've had great results with lighter weights and core exercises.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Well, I spent £300 on a second hand quality treadmill that barely fits in my kitchen.

    Then I went on Freegle and asked for weights and was given a set of dumbells (York ones with changable weights) for free and I bought a few Jillian Michael DVD's from Amazon.

    And now it is super RARE that I go on the treadmill! So the free weights and DVDs get much more use. So that was about £20 vs £300.....