Doint it right.... this time

Hi again,

I first set up my MFP account a while ago at the time I was around 287lbs at 6 feet tall. I had all the best intentions in the world but, I was a firm believer that what I need to do to lose weight, I could do alone. Well, of course it all backed fired. I was trying to lose weight solely through eating right (no exercise and not setting specific goals for my weight loss). I didn't even fully utilized MFP. I didn't see the need associate myself with like minded individuals. Now that I'm thinking about it I don't even think I introduced myself the first time LOL. I actually came back weighing more then when I started the first time (303lbs). I've just gotten down to 290lbs and I feel great! So, I wanted to be prepared for when my ticker actually starts saying I actually lost some weight even though, I'm down 13lbs in the last 4 weeks.

Well here I am, and nice to meet you all.