Its been a week in a half, i havent even lost one pound! Hel



  • sweetteacher123
    Do NOT fall into the trap that television commercials want you to believe: weight loss is fast and easy. It isn't! True weight loss that comes off and STAYS off is very slow--usually 1-2 pounds per week. Give your body some time. Keep working out and watching what you eat. Sometimes it may take a week or two to see pounds going away, but you may notice your clothes aren't as tight as you lose the bloating or water retention from unhealthy foods. To lose thirty-five pounds, you need to give yourself up to 35 weeks! I know that sounds like a long time, but it is the truth. It won't be easy or fast to lose that. In the mean time, set small goals for yourself, ie: five pounds in one month, running two miles straight, increasing the amount of weight you can lift, etc. Also remember to focus on the health aspects of working out and eating right!!! Good luck!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Eat healthy, as healthy as possible. I cut out all the bad stuff (MSG, HFCS, preservatives, artificial coloring/flavoring, enriched/bleached anything) and eat natural foods. I log absolutely EVERYTHING, right down to the squirt of mustard on my sandwich.

    That said, I do find ways to work in an occasional treat of my favorite foods - ice cream, chocolate, etc. But I do log them.

    The weight loss isn't a steady 1 pound loss every 7 days exactly ..mine is more of a sudden drop at odd intervals. Watch those measurements, because they may be shrinking even if the scale isn't showing any difference.

    Good luck!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Thanks guys for all the support and motivation. But now that i am going to eat more, can i just eat what i want, or still eat a well balanced diet like salads and half portions of food.

    My New Year's resolution was to get healthy. A friend pointed me here. MFP is about eating healthy, not dieting. The caloric intakes are designed (unwittingly) by you. You told MFP how much you want to lose. It does the rest. The other aspects of your food diary (carbs, protein, fat, etc...) are based upon the daily nutritional recommendations adjusted for your daily caloric goal.

    If you came here to "diet" then you will probably not be successful in the long run. However, if you decide you want to make a conscious effort to make lifestyle changes you will be successful in the long run. Remember, your previous lifestyle got you here in the first place. I would recommend a new lifestyle.
  • marjaskow
    marjaskow Posts: 81
    You are eating way too few calories, especially while working out. Your body is holding into everything you feed it since it's being starved. Hard to accept that you really do have to eat to lose weight. Choose healthier foods to get the extra calories in & you'll be surprised how much you can eat & see the weight start dropping. The only other thing could be to change your exercise a bit once in awhile. Your body gets used to what you are doing so changing it or even stopping for a couple days & then starting again can trick your metabolism.