Exercise time of day.

Ok so when I exercise in the morning, I ususally end of being pretty hungry through out the day and eat most of my exercise calories back, but when I exercise in the evening, I usually just relax a little after and go to bed.....and Im not as hungry during the day. Im assuming its better for me to exercise during the evening hours because I eat less. Thoughts?


  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    well when you exercise in the morning your body starts burning more calories and that lasts throughout the day which is why your body craves food and your hungry all day but when exercising at night you burn up what you ate during the day so you arent quite as hungry. either way you end up with around the same results. you might lose a little more exercising at night but personally i like doing it in the morning it makes me feel good all day. and if the hunger part really gets to you try drinking a protein shake after your workout it only adds 200 or so calories and keeps you decently full
  • Personally, I don't think it makes any difference to when you workout. The reason why you are hungry when you workout in the morning is because your metabolism speeds up which in return burns more calories. At night, your metabolism slows down to go into a fasting state while you sleep. This could be why your not hungry at night. I know the there is alot of controversy of eating back your exercise calories, but I personally think you should eat the exercise calories. MFP already deducts the calorie deficit into your calorie budget therefore there is no need to deduct your exercise calories as well. Hope this helps.
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    I work out at night pretty much all the time...I feel stronger in the evening and I don't feel rushed to finish my workout because of work/getting my son up for school/etc. I've done morning workouts as well and I feel better when I can get a morning workout in (I am more energized throughout the day), but I can honestly say that it doesn't make a difference overall to my fitness level/physique either way. As long as you're putting in 100%, don't stress about what time you do it.
  • Switch it up.

    From what I have read morning is best. You are hungry because your metabolism is working hard.

    I personally workout whenever I can. I would love to work out in the morning but my 17 month old can sense when I wake up and will wake up shortly after I do. I tend to workout in the afternoon during her nap time because its the only time I have two hours to myself.

    When I was childless I used to workout at night because it helped me go to sleep. I know a lot of people cant sleep after a workout. I can! lol