Thoughts about online dating descriptions

JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
Hi All-

So, I am thinking about venturing into the world of online dating, and I have a question: how does one go about describing, ACCURATELY, their body type? Though I am speaking in third person, I am actually referring to myself, in this case.

So, I am ready for your assessments, ladies and gentlemen: if I am setting up an online dating profile, what do you think would be the best description of my body type?


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Pictures speak louder than words

    Dont be a but-ter-pic
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Pictures speak louder than words

    Dont be a but-ter-pic

    This. Measurements help too.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Just put "A little more to love". Be up front, keep it real and be your freaking self!

    OKCupid and POF...both of them filled with a bunch of crazy *kitten* ladies...dude, share the stories once you start dating.
  • Kimakazie
    Kimakazie Posts: 11 Member
    Just put "A little more to love". Be up front, keep it real and be your freaking self!

    OKCupid and POF...both of them filled with a bunch of crazy *kitten* ladies...dude, share the stories once you start dating.

    Not only crazy *kitten* ladies, but there are some crazy *kitten* guys too!!! The free sites are where you end up with the larger concentration of loons!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Hmm. Internet dating is...interesting. I've tried it once or twice with no luck, but I do have a friend who met her husband on EHarmony.

    I always say average. I could go slender (athletic and toned if I've been behaving a while) OR curvy on any given day, depending on who you ask. But, my thought is I don't want a guy who is only going to choose the slim/slender/athletic and toned types because, in my experience, they are usually kind of jerky. I also don't say curvy because then some people assume that means overweight when, in reality, it should just mean T&A.

    So, about average it is!
  • What are the choices?
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    I met my man of POF :D we been together 4 months, everything is perfect... but yes A LOT of crazy ppl... like 1 guy told me and I quote "we could make it work" after the first date.... bye bye lol
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    For me, I have seen:
    Athletic and Toned
    A Few Extra Pounds

    I have asked a few of my female friends, and I usually get "average" and occasionally "Athletic and toned"

    Im not sure which would be the most honest to list...
  • Average seems reasonable... depends on where you live I suppose. In some places, obese IS average!

    Hope it works out for you! I met my hub on the internets in a message board in the 90s but it wasn't a dating type thingee...
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    Average it is!