ELLIPTICAL vs TREADMILL. Your thoughts please?



  • lalaXa
    Cyber arc trainer machine because it burn more calories.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Outside, but when I'm inside a treadmill. Elliptical doesn't simulate running.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Treadmill. I discovered that my feet start hurting and/or go numb when I'm on the elliptical. I tried loosening my shoes, I tried hydrating better, I tried a variety of things and still, my feet hurt. I told my sister this (who works physical therapy and knows my running stride) and she said that because I run with a narrow gait (I kick myself while running), the elliptical would cause pain because it's forcing my stance farther apart and creating an alignment not natural to my body. So as much as I would like to use the elliptical, especially during recovery weeks from a race, I just can't do it.

    All that being said, I prefer running outside. I only commit to the treadmill if 1) I have a time limit or 2) outside conditions do not allow for safe running. I don't mind running in rain and snow or even wind, it's the blizzards, ice, or the other extreme, heat, that drive me indoors.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    neither. a pair of nikes and the great outdoors and miles and miles and miles of trails and pavement pounding is all i could wish for
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Arc trainer, it burns more calories and is easier on my feet!!!!
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    I prefer a treadmill because I like to actually run, but I have been using an elliptical because I need to lose more weight before doing anything high impact because I do not want any injuries impeding my progress.

    Ellipticals can get boring so I usually do intervals with a really high incline/resistance.
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    I honestly prefer running outside. It feels like a much harder workout, although the elliptical seems to burn more calories. I feel like I have lost more inches by running outside. I've got dreaded shin splints right now though, so sadly I am taking this week off from my runs and just using the elliptical at home :/ can't wait to get back to the park. It's the best meditation session ever!
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    neither. a pair of nikes and the great outdoors and miles and miles and miles of trails and pavement pounding is all i could wish for

  • fitnessgal1985
    fitnessgal1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm only good at burning 800+ calories with an elliptical. Plus it's the only thing where I can work out 6 days in a row and not be sore.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Both, plus stair stepper...plus long hikes with 40 lbs on my back.
  • BattlingMaxo
    BattlingMaxo Posts: 21 Member
    i use the elliptical, it burns more cal per minute than treadmill because you are using arms and legs, But if you prefer any cardio machine is good, keeping it up is important

  • Jluvs3clarks
    For me it is the elliptical. I was told by my orthopedic knee surgeon to use the elliptical. That for me, it would be easier on me knee injury, with proper form.. I love it! I have now gotten to the point that I increase the level every two minutes to level 15. However, now that I have given the green light from the my doctor, I am now "trying out" the treadmill. I feel as though I get a better workout on the elliptical, but I want to start running, so I need to start using it more. So, what I am doing is I warm up for 30 minutes on the treadmill then hit the elliptical for the cardio burn. I am sure once I get to the point where I can run, I will probably use the elliptical for the warm up, and the treadmill for the cardio burn but who knows. Good Luck with your decision, ultimately it will come down to what your preferences and comfort factors are.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    If you accept the premise that the body can become acclimatized to a particular activity, thus lowering the calorie burn, then you would probably want both eventually.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Had elliptical and did not like it. Got treadmill and love it!. I walk and use hand weights while on it.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    If running outside were one of the options, I'd pick that. However, since it's not, I'd choose the elliptical. It's easier on my joints so I can go at a running pace for much longer periods of time than when I am on the treadmill or outdoors, and my knees don't suffer the painful repercussions the next day.
  • JohnMessmer
    My answer would really depend on expanding your question a bit. Do you intend on purchasing one or the other, or do you plan on using them at a gym or somewhere they already are?

    If you are planing on purchasing one, I would recommend the Elliptical. It is far easier on the joints. Make sure that it is sturdy, especially if you are heavy ( + 250 pounds), otherwise you will not like it as it will seem as though you are falling off of the machine or unable to push too hard in fear of toppling over the machine. With that one notation, you can get a more thorough workout and will burn substantially more calories using it. As for the "calories burned" information provided by most machines, it may tend to be a bit higher than actual burn as a result of the level of effort you are putting forth on your upper body. I don't have a solution for this inaccuracy but personally I don't care what the machine says I have burned, I base my exercise on my endurance or on allotted time, so calorie burn is just fodder for the brain.

    Treadmills are great for indoor running in a lifelike simulated manner when outside weather makes that choice less accommodating (rain, snow, fog, etc.). If you do not run, then I can see no benefit to a treadmill, other than they typically cost a bit less and having something that will allow and encourage you to move is better than having nothing except excuses as to why you can not go outside and exercise.
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    Elliptical for me its an easier whey to burn kcals
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Outside running > running on a treadmill > Elliptical > arc trainer > walking on treadmill > exercycle

    and running on a treadmill is very comprable to the elliptical.

    When I started getting into shape I was very aftraid of running on a treadmill for fear of embarassing myself infront of the rest of the gym crowd. I did my first run on a tread mill at around 10:30pm on the treadmill all the way in the corner with the ripcord magnet thing clipped onto my shirt because I KNEW I would be falling (I was wrong). The elliptical is still a great choice and right now I'm coming off of Planarfaciatas so it's a godsend.

    I started out barely managing 3mph on the elliptical, my comfortable, but productive, speed is now 9.5 to 11 mph. I hit 20mph when System of a down came on my iPod but I slowed down when I was having the machine come briefly off the ground and I was making it go bang, bang, bang. A curious mix of not my proudest moment and my proudest moment.

    I may have rambled but I will say that I perfer both, they work different muscles in your legs and as I said the elliptical has given me the opportunity to rest my feet without being bored to tears on the exercycle.
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    Both to avoid boredom and have variety. You can do Elliptical one day and Treadmill the next. Both have pros and cons, good thing that gyms have both, a track, and stationary bikes.

    The Treadmill is good for conditioning your heart and body. There is more FREE (natural) body movement with a treadmill. With an Elliptical your arms are limited to the movement of the handles and your legs to the rotation of the peddles. So if you are wanting to condition your body use the Treadmill/Outside (park or neighborhood) one or two days more than you would the Elliptical. If your into burning calories without the conditioning use the Elliptical more and remember to use your arms, do not get lazy and use the stationary handles. Use high intensity but not too high that you are struggling and will not make it more than a minute or less, and try to keep the speed high. For me normal is 45-48 so I try to go for 50 and it wears me out so I let my speed fall at a normal whatever my body feels like giving me today for 5 minutes then challenge myself for as many minutes as I can at 50 then back to normal speed (interval with speed never intensity). With the Treadmill I try to go as long as I can and switch it up between incline and speed for intervals, depending on mood.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    as a runner, I would say treadmill.