30 lbs in 10 months?



  • ampage25
    ampage25 Posts: 9 Member
    i agree with all of you...I do need to open up my diary and be honest with myself.....also....i started seeing a nutritionist. I am now down 40 lbs.....I am feeling much better and on track. Thank you so much for all of your feedback
  • piq0409
    piq0409 Posts: 8
    I really started this healthy lifestyle journey Jan 1 2012. As of Oct 1 2012 I was down 30 lbs. As of Jan 1 2013, I was down those same 30 lbs.

    I was frustrated too. But then I reviewed my up and down history. Through out the course of a year, I often lost weight, but then put it all back on. 30 lbs is something to be proud of. Weight loss isn't something you do, then move on. You have to live it. I had to find a way to be happy that I've gotten rid of that 30 lbs and KEPT IT OFF!

    But I still want to lose more. So I visited a nutiritionist. She told me I was the poster child for good eating. So I started to take measurements. Even though I wasn't losing, my body is still changing. I went down an entire dress size without losing 1 lb!

    Give yourself a break from the scale if that is what's causing the frustration. Take measurements. Do completely different excercises at the gym. Eat completely different foods. Like a lot of people on here have been saying, you might be estimating incorrectly. Or maybe your body has just caught on to your routine. So surprise it. Try a food you've never had. Use a different spice. Excercise at a different time of the day. But above all, DO NOT GIVE UP!! The frustration you feel now is nothing compared to the irritation you will feel if you let all this amazingly hard work go to waste!!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I don't understand what you are so upset over. 30 lbs in 10 months is really good weight loss. I lost 40 lbs in 12 months which works out to almost the same thing. You have nothing to be upset over. You should be happy with how much you've lost so far.
  • Forest777
    Forest777 Posts: 30 Member
    30 pounds in ten months is nothing to put down! Would you rather have those 30 lbs back on your body? :)
    Now you know how to lose weight.
    If you want to amp up your rate, you can start tweaking. Exercise a bit more, be a bit more careful with how you track your calories, you would be amazed at how little inaccuracies can add up. Look for little things you can cut or substitute.

    Hang in there, you are doing great! Keep doing what you are doing and just add to it.
  • THAT IS AWESOME!!!! 30LBS in 10 months means you did it the RIGHT way and that it will stay off as long as you continue a healthy lifestyle.

    I would just change up your workout routine. Try a new video or start a kickboxing class. Add more weights. I know weighted squats burn soooo much calories while toning.

    Also may need to switch out some of your staples for more fruits and veggies...more raw eating. Or substitute breakfast with a smoothie. I don't know what you eat so I can't really say but that should re-start your losing power.

    Also water! !00 ounces minimum per day.

    Don't give up. YOu have lost 30 more pounds than the person who hasn't made the effort in 10 months. Be proud!
  • nehmon
    nehmon Posts: 50 Member

    i would love to be able one day to share that i have lost 30lbs in 10 Months. Dont give up you made a major change already.

  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    i agree with all of you...I do need to open up my diary and be honest with myself.....also....i started seeing a nutritionist. I am now down 40 lbs.....I am feeling much better and on track. Thank you so much for all of your feedback

    Ooh, a zombie thread, back from the dead! I love those, especially those with a happy ending. Or, at least, a happy update.

    What ended up being the culprit? What changes did you make in order to kick start things again? I am very curious.
  • firedenswife2012
    firedenswife2012 Posts: 18 Member
    My personal thought is that you are trying too hard. You sound like you are beating yourself up for eating and not happy working out. Weight loss is a journey not a self-dislike opportunity. I personally would look at what caused you to gain weight in the first place because it could be that you are not dealing with emotions that need addressing. I keep a journal of how I work out and log daily. I write in there about how the workout made me feel instead of what weight I didn't lose. Be kind to yourself. Everyday when I get in my truck after a workout I talk to myself. I say stuff like "Wow! You totally rocked that workout, sweetheart! Way to go!!" I also reward myself. I love to swim so about once a month or so I buy a new fun pool toy such as my underwater MP3 player, snorkel, etc. Do this for you and no one else. You are the one who has to live with yourself. Stop looking at the number on the scale and instead at your feelings.
  • RosemarieSenpai
    RosemarieSenpai Posts: 85 Member
    Ok, so I am to the point of wanting to give up. I have been on this journey for 10 months and I have only lost 30 lbs. TEN MONTHS! That's a long time to work so dang hard and see such minimal results. I stay below my calories, I eat filling, nutritious foods. I try my hardest to stay away from processed/high fat/sugary...etc foods. I work out 5-6 times a week religiously and I am still not losing weight. I am in tears as I write this because I want it sooooo bad but I can't seem to get it. I have not let it get me down until now. Now I am just exhausted from trying so hard.

    I know everyone is going to respond with...."oh great job!" "Good job on losing 30 lbs" blah blah blah and I am to the point that I don't even care about the 30 lbs. It's tearing me down. It's NOT a great job. If anything the 30 lbs is defeating me. I have a 3 year old and I really want to have another child but I feel like my weight is holding me back. I just am tired and sick of worrying about every little thing in my mouth and trying to squeeze in working out after working full time and raising a kid and being a wife and taking care of a house. I am mentally and physically exhausted.

    What do I do? Where do I go from here? Is it pointless because that is totally how I am feeling right now.

    That's not bad! I lost 43lbs after high school 2009 which took about almost a year and a half to do! I wasn't fully committed till the very end. Then the weight came back in 2012 when I worked for fast foods. Which was like 35lbs when I left, but I'm losing some again and trying to keep it off and away from working fast foods. :brokenheart:

    If you're struggling, I'm with you on this one! :glasses: :happy: I'll add you so we can do our best together! :smile:
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    I joined mid July 2012..lost 25 pounds in 6 months...slow, steady progress...but I wanted it "faster" so I enlisted a nutritionist and a personal trainer and I'm now up 8 pounds from where I was in mid January while I'm busting my butt and eating extremely healthy/clean...VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!

    BUT the moral of the story is ...throw away the scale....look at you body fat percentage and your growth in strength, endurance and muscle tone...

    also...since I have hashimoto hypothyroidism and the doctors are still trying to get my synthroid level "right"...I'm not expecting weight loss right now..but I'm expecting to lift heavier weights next week and even heavier the weeks after that...my body will eventually heal itself and get to the "weight" it's supposed to be on its own time. I am truly consistent with my nutrition and exercising now and I try hard not to compare my weight loss to my MFP's that are reporting fantastic losses almost daily...that's them...I'm happy for them...

    You must not compare yourself to others...or their weight loss...focus on your own "long" journey...and it wouldn't hurt to get your TSH, T3 and T4 levels checked....good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i think i once gained 30 pounds in 10 months... seriously! yes, your progress is alower than what you want, but its still progress! a 30 pound loss is a 60 pound difference from a 30 pound gain! i dont know, but you may be calculating your calorie intake wrong? could you be under estimating, not measuring, and forgetting to log the small stuff? ok, for example, during one of my many failed weight loss attempts... i didnt consider ketchup calories (i use alot!!!) i didnt consider half and half in my 8 cups of coffee each day, i didnt count salad dressing, butter, bbq sauce...even cough drops!!! i was niave to the idea that condiments counted! i also guessed my measurements, like with cereal, and other things... try being extra carefull with measuring and logging for a couple weeks, see if that helps at all...
  • RosemarieSenpai
    RosemarieSenpai Posts: 85 Member
    losing 30 pounds in 10 months is better then gaining 30 pounds!
    Given you have supplied us with VERY little background information, not much can be said.

    Be happy you are down 30 and not up.

    Suggestions for assistance through forum posts:
    1 Open your diary
    2. Give us your stats - Height, weight, age, sex to verify your BMR
    3. Weekly weight loss goal.
    4. Workout regimen if you have one.

    That's for sure!