Thanksgiving Rants - I'll start



  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Also OP, I'm happy for you, for getting the Thanksgiving you want. :flowerforyou: One day I hope I do. Blessings to you and all households.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    Any inclination to rant I may have is overcome by remembering that my nephew just returned from Afghanistan last night and will be at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow. Y'all have a great holiday ... hope it goes smoothly for everyone. :)

    That is awesome!
    Thanks, witchy! :smile:
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175

    I'm going to the in laws! Someone please give me a bad flu virus! I need a good excuse to stay home and hide in the covers!

    I literally have to bring a few mini bottles of vodka to keep me calm. The holidays have become so stressful I no longer enjoy them! My in laws hate me, and I know it. They force a bit o' nice out here n' there. But Its all so uncomfortable.

    I mean, for gods sake! My own hubs is tense around his family. He is never himself, can't sit still. When I met him, he was a skeleton, he said he was too stressed by his family and job to eat much. And we won't touch the favoritism or always making him do labor.

    And I don't really like their food.
    i would stay home. we used to go to his children's on christmas eve and i was always hated it. it was an hour and a half drive away and my husband would get drunk and mean so i would drive home at two in the morning listening to him beef about everything on the way home.

    his kids got to the point that they weren't talking to each other and we had to go to more than one house. i finally put my foot down and refused to go until his kids were talking to each other again. that never happened so i would spend christmas eve alone in peace. i would have a couple glasses of champagne and a snack or two.

    now that he is dead i never have to worry about it again. sounds cold but his family and he always made my former fave holiday one i dreaded.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I get together with my extended family on Saturday. This year, again, we will gather without my oldest sister who passed away in 1998 and without my precious Mom, who passed away at Easter 2 years ago. Both from long battles with cancer. Our family is far from perfect and there are always things that will annoy me about someone. I'm sure I annoy them at times too. BUT, they are also the people I grew up with, played with, cried with, mourned with, snuck out of the house with, ate meals with, looked up to, fought with, took care of and they are the only ones on this Earth that know my history. For just the memories with them, I am thankful. I also hope for a few more years with my 86 year old father. There are so many people who do not have loved ones to celebrate with during the holidays, people without homes, people without jobs. I am thankful for what I do have - no matter how imperfect! :flowerforyou:
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    No rant here...yet! We're eating at MY house, with food I picked and my mom cooks (she was a cook in a nice restaurant for several years before I was born, so she's got the mass cooking thing DOWN!), and since it's both sides of the family, my mom's outgoing and fun family will mediate my dad's argumentative and you-must-think-like-me family.

    Usually, my dad's mom drives me NUTS on holidays, but not this year I hope. Now do a post like this for Christmas time...I'll have a BIG rant then.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    MIL is a big food pusher, constantly filling people's plates with food they don't like. She still hasn't learned her 49 y/o son hates veggies (she saved his untouched cauliflower and carrots from last night). Thanksgiving isn't about having every root veggie Newfoundland can grow or a *kitten*-ton of food in general.

    I have to act like a ninja to get my food, otherwise it's a knife fight to keep the GD veggies I hate off my plate. They also have this fascination with serving me corn because I'm from Iowa. They think I have to have corn with every meal. Also, they think I need to have 2 Thanksgiving meals because I'm American. Canada has theirs in October. I'm fine with one Thanksgiving; granted it's weird to have it before Halloween, but that's me.

    And they never have pumpkin pie. WTF? :huh: Though the Beothics may not have had pumpkins, they sure as hell didn't have tiramisu! I bought a pumpkin pie this year for Canadian Thanksgiving and guess what? IT VANISHED. Even the non-dessert eaters ate pumpkin pie.

    Just so this isn't all IL hate, my maternal grandmother enjoyed picking on what I ate. Her picking got so bad I got my food and hid in the car to eat from then on. Then her mantra became "How is Zyxst so fat? I never see her eat?" I'm glad that b*tch is dead.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I get together with my extended family on Saturday. This year, again, we will gather without my oldest sister who passed away in 1998 and without my precious Mom, who passed away at Easter 2 years ago. Both from long battles with cancer. Our family is far from perfect and there are always things that will annoy me about someone. I'm sure I annoy them at times too. BUT, they are also the people I grew up with, played with, cried with, mourned with, snuck out of the house with, ate meals with, looked up to, fought with, took care of and they are the only ones on this Earth that know my history. For just the memories with them, I am thankful. I also hope for a few more years with my 86 year old father. There are so many people who do not have loved ones to celebrate with during the holidays, people without homes, people without jobs. I am thankful for what I do have - no matter how imperfect! :flowerforyou:

    So agree with you Jan!

    My family can drive me crazy - and I'm sure that I'm no peach all the time.

    Yet, these are the people who pick me up when I fall, who hold my hand when I'm sad, who show up when my basement is flooding with water. These people are there to celebrate and mourn with me. They have watched me grow, and I have watched some of them grow. I couldn't imagine a different group of people to spend a special day with.

    We all have our own issues and no family is perfect. But before you start casting stones, think about what your life would be like without your family. And maybe take some ownership for your part in whatever problems exist. And then, think about the people who don't have a family and maybe, just maybe, be a little nicer to yours this Thanksgiving.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    OP - your usual Thanksgiving sounds like mine. I cook for around 30 people - all my in-laws (hubby is the oldest of 6) because my family is in another state. No one helps, no one brings a dish, no one helps clean up. They show up, eat, pack up leftovers and leave. It's unsocial and insulting. My mother in law passed away in 2010. I did Thanksgiving that year, but it was worse than usual, so I decided I'd had enough and we only had our immediate family last year. This year, my brother and his new girlfriend are coming to visit. I have no problem cooking for them, my hubby and my kids. However, some of my in-laws have called to say they want to come over and visit tomorrow. I hope it's for the company, and not just because my stuffing doesn't come out of a box, but I'm expecting the worst. Oh yeah, and I'll have to hide the medicine and all handheld portable electronics, games, DVDs, etc.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I get together with my extended family on Saturday. This year, again, we will gather without my oldest sister who passed away in 1998 and without my precious Mom, who passed away at Easter 2 years ago. Both from long battles with cancer. Our family is far from perfect and there are always things that will annoy me about someone. I'm sure I annoy them at times too. BUT, they are also the people I grew up with, played with, cried with, mourned with, snuck out of the house with, ate meals with, looked up to, fought with, took care of and they are the only ones on this Earth that know my history. For just the memories with them, I am thankful. I also hope for a few more years with my 86 year old father. There are so many people who do not have loved ones to celebrate with during the holidays, people without homes, people without jobs. I am thankful for what I do have - no matter how imperfect! :flowerforyou:

    So agree with you Jan!

    My family can drive me crazy - and I'm sure that I'm no peach all the time.

    Yet, these are the people who pick me up when I fall, who hold my hand when I'm sad, who show up when my basement is flooding with water. These people are there to celebrate and mourn with me. They have watched me grow, and I have watched some of them grow. I couldn't imagine a different group of people to spend a special day with.

    We all have our own issues and no family is perfect. But before you start casting stones, think about what your life would be like without your family. And maybe take some ownership for your part in whatever problems exist. And then, think about the people who don't have a family and maybe, just maybe, be a little nicer to yours this Thanksgiving.

    And one more thing - it's one day people. You can be nice for one day of the year. No matter how anyone else acts - I am accountable for how I behave and at the end of the day - I can feel good as I drive the 3 hours back to home!!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    being nice for one day is hard when an entire family is encouraging divorce the second you are not with the SO

    outside of all the belittling, snickering, and alienating. But even smiley snarky comments are hard on me. I'm an unmedicated bipo. (bipolar) unmedicated do to bad reactions to nearly every medication they put me on.

    its easy to judge a situation your not in. but try to remember, this time of the year is hard on some ppl. and a "suck it up" attitude and lecture is not really going to help.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    We're doing a big potluck this year with some friends who are single and away from their families. It should be a nice change.

    I suppose my rant is more when I go home with my dad's family for the holidays. There's always somebody *****ing and moaning about something somebody said 10 years ago. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA... ugh...
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    Any inclination to rant I may have is overcome by remembering that my nephew just returned from Afghanistan last night and will be at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow. Y'all have a great holiday ... hope it goes smoothly for everyone. :)

    Please thank him for his service, and I'm happy he is home safe :)

    My only rant would be about figuring calories of what I eat tomorrow. We always eat with hubby's family (I ADORE my in laws). We used to have dinner at my house, but 3 years ago I developed pneumonia 5 days before thanksgiving and there was no way I could get the house in order and cook, so they decided to go out to eat. All the women loved just going to eat without the cooking and cleaning so much that we all decided thats what we'd do from now on. So we go to Cracker Barrel for lunch around 11 am and then go back to my MIL for dessert and to sit around and talk lol No one is tired from cooking, and there is no mess to clean up, its awesome for us. MY problem is, Cracker Barrel doesnt have their nutrition listed (and the few things I've found online and in the MFP database don't cover what I would eat) So......Im going to have to guess at my calories for the meal.

    I'm just really thankful I have family I love spending time with :)
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Any inclination to rant I may have is overcome by remembering that my nephew just returned from Afghanistan last night and will be at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow. Y'all have a great holiday ... hope it goes smoothly for everyone. :)

    That is awesome!

    That IS awesome. Happy Thanksgiving to your family.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    being nice for one day is hard when an entire family is encouraging divorce the second you are not with the SO

    outside of all the belittling, snickering, and alienating. But even smiley snarky comments are hard on me. I'm an unmedicated bipo. (bipolar) unmedicated do to bad reactions to nearly every medication they put me on.

    its easy to judge a situation your not in. but try to remember, this time of the year is hard on some ppl. and a "suck it up" attitude and lecture is not really going to help.

    Absolutely no judgment intended. I was only commenting on the people who are whining about someone not washing dishes, or helping to clean up or eating and not contributing or drinking too much. I would never encourage anyone to be a part of something that borders on emotional abuse. In that case, I would choose to stay home. So sorry for you situation. :flowerforyou:
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I get together with my extended family on Saturday. This year, again, we will gather without my oldest sister who passed away in 1998 and without my precious Mom, who passed away at Easter 2 years ago. Both from long battles with cancer. Our family is far from perfect and there are always things that will annoy me about someone. I'm sure I annoy them at times too. BUT, they are also the people I grew up with, played with, cried with, mourned with, snuck out of the house with, ate meals with, looked up to, fought with, took care of and they are the only ones on this Earth that know my history. For just the memories with them, I am thankful. I also hope for a few more years with my 86 year old father. There are so many people who do not have loved ones to celebrate with during the holidays, people without homes, people without jobs. I am thankful for what I do have - no matter how imperfect! :flowerforyou:

    So agree with you Jan!

    My family can drive me crazy - and I'm sure that I'm no peach all the time.

    Yet, these are the people who pick me up when I fall, who hold my hand when I'm sad, who show up when my basement is flooding with water. These people are there to celebrate and mourn with me. They have watched me grow, and I have watched some of them grow. I couldn't imagine a different group of people to spend a special day with.

    We all have our own issues and no family is perfect. But before you start casting stones, think about what your life would be like without your family. And maybe take some ownership for your part in whatever problems exist. And then, think about the people who don't have a family and maybe, just maybe, be a little nicer to yours this Thanksgiving.

    And one more thing - it's one day people. You can be nice for one day of the year. No matter how anyone else acts - I am accountable for how I behave and at the end of the day - I can feel good as I drive the 3 hours back to home!!

    No really, I can't. I'm avoiding the details for personal privacy reasons, but really the family is bat **** crazy and intolerable. Just needed to rant. All is good. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    No really, I can't. I'm avoiding the details for personal privacy reasons, but really the family is bat **** crazy and intolerable. Just needed to rant. All is good. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I hear you. I'm very much looking forward to spending time with friends and my husband this year away from the crazies in my family. It's so refreshing to just enjoy the holidays without the drama for once.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I will be thousands of miles away from all my family this Thanksgiving.

    Tough being in Korea. I bet they'll all miss you. Take solace in the fact they'll miss you greatly. Find friends to spend the day with. Then count your blessings and look forward to the day you can be with your family again. God bless you!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    I have a rant. I am sick of reading about all the deliciousness all of you up there are about to indulge in!!!!!

    I WANT TURKEY AND STUFFING AND VEGGIES WITH YUMMY SAUCES TOO DAMMIT!!!!! Australia might be the lucky country... but it sure sucks now *pout*

  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    Here's my rant: My mom died two years ago, and since then I have seen my siblings maybe 3 times. They don't come visit, even though I am only 45 minutes away from them and used to come up EVERY weekend to take care of mom when they (living literally next door to her) couldn't help. They figure out the details for Thanksgiving every year at my oldest sister's Halloween dinner...I know this because it's been that way for years. You know, she didn't even call me until the other night to see if my little family was coming. I had no idea where it would be, what time, anything, despite trying to call her, my other sister, and my niece for two weeks now. Thus I have already bought my groceries, and will be cooking at home. Because of this little stunt, I doubt I will be going up there for Christmas either.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Any inclination to rant I may have is overcome by remembering that my nephew just returned from Afghanistan last night and will be at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow. Y'all have a great holiday ... hope it goes smoothly for everyone. :)

    Please offer a salute to your nephew from 2 fellow vets.

    No Thanksgiving rant. My husband and I don't partake in holidays; so we will simply enjoy our time off together. Maybe treat the cat to some canned food.