I need to stop BINGING and love myself.

Hello everyone. I am so glad to have found this forum. Long story short, I have been suffering from binging and purging for quite some time now. I absolutely feel disgusting and hate myself, especially after a binge episode. The last time I binged was about three days ago and so far I have been doing really well eating wise. That's my terrible cycle. I eat so healthy for a couple of days and then BAM! I eat everything in site. I am sick of seeing myself in such a negative light. I just want to be NORMAL again. I have tried therapy, medications, exercise, everything. But, nothing seems to work. It is sad that when I lose weight, all of a sudden I get really happy. I am 127 pounds right now and 5'4''. That may not seem like a lot but all my weight is in my thighs. I want to be at my happy weight, around 118. It's these darn 10 pounds that are killing me and what is ultimately causing me to loathe myself. I know I am babbling right now but I just feel so hopeless at the moment :( I would greatly appreciate some support. Much love <3


  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    heya. You may have come to the right place.
    I have had binging issues my whole life. I discovered purging in my 20s. yey :/
    using MFP helps me not to binge because I have to put everything in my log.
    Seeing all of what I ate - or what I plan to eat makes what I am doing to myself concrete.
    Granted It's only been a few weeks, but I'm excited about it.

    I started using this place as a social thing too in order to help. This way, lots of people can see what I'm doing. I have to be accountable for my actions.

    Add me if you like! Trying to be motivational and supportive and it's nice to have others around in Internet Fitness Land

    xx Rachael