Losing weight fast

I have been losing weight really fast! In about 5 weeks I have lost around 8 and a half kilos (18 pounds). Is that normal? I've been counting calories and exercising...but I'm just concerned that it's unhealthy to lose alot of weight in a short amount of time.


  • First, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss and I hope you can reach your goal weight soon.
    Second, I've seen people on game shows lose up to 15 pounds in two weeks and its considered healthy. You should be losing 1-3 pounds per week depending on how hard you're working out and how many calories you're consuming. 18 pounds in five weeks is just t pounds too much so I would recommend you slow down a little but not too much. Maybe you can allow yourself to eat an extra 50-100 calories a day (which is like a furit) or you could cut back a little on the exercising.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    1/2 to 1 kilo a week is considered healthy. Just be careful as you could be throwing off muscle. Try to do some strength workouts not just cardio.