On the go meals

Anyone have any good ideas for portable meals that do not require refridgeration? I am getting tired of meal bars and nuts! Oh, and preferable on the cheaper side, poor post-grad over here!


  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    Fresh fruits and veggies. I love the tuna creation thingys...protein-licious and flavorful :)
  • muscat_princess
    i lost 40 pounds before my pregnancy with medifast meal replacements.
    if u want them cheap try Ebay.......they have alot there in bulk u can get them,.
    most are 90 to 110 cals per item.

    they have packs poor into a cold bottle of water and shake. taste like slimfast.
    or they have things like bars and chips even. if ur around a microwave u can order the heat up ones like BROWNIE (my fav! ha ha)

    i love medifast. its fast way to lose weight but im not doing it now cuz im breastfeeding. message me if u have a question.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Dude I binge eat nuts everyday! How can you be tired of them!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Sandwiches, tuna salads, regular salads, sliced up meats, carrots and hommus.. Thats generally what I eat, I'm forever carrying tupperware containers filled with food in my handbag.