time to stop working out?

My left foot has been hurting for about 3 months not very badly but the last month it has been worse and I find myself walking differently to avoid putting all my weight on it. The pain is like, where my big toe meets my foot? that muscle or joint that bends. When I am walking and my weight is on it it hurts a lot, and I just noticed today that I am walking to compensate for it(someone asked why I ws limping, not sure how long I've been doing that).

I am going to a Dr when the semester is over and I am home(on my mom's insurance and it only covers things at the hospital she works at) but in the mean time should I lay off? I just do like 30 minutes on the elliptical(hurts) and alternate arm/leg weight machines(doesn't hurt much/not at all depending on machine).

Uhh I saw bone spurs mentioned on some foot website when I googled it, dunno if those are genetic but my grandpa gets them a lot.

Maybe it's just being on my feet all day for the first time ever? This semester I am in all studio classes and either stand or walk no sitting.

ETA: It's only my left foot. ahh I'm laying on my couch right now and just flexing it against the couch arm hurts. This was not this bad last time I noticed it :( I must have gotten too used to it.


  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    TTaake a break and listen to your body
  • zgochenour
    zgochenour Posts: 67 Member
    Does your gym have a pool? Don't do any exercises that cause you physical pain.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I would also look into new shoes.. check to see if your town/city has a hands on shoe store (or running store) where your feet can be analyzed..
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Does your gym have a pool? Don't do any exercises that cause you physical pain.
    erm not getting in the pool, maybe i'll try stationary bike so no weight is on it sort of?
    I would also look into new shoes.. check to see if your town/city has a hands on shoe store (or running store) where your feet can be analyzed..
    I can do that. I've worn all my shoes probably since the pain started and my arch supporty cushioned tennies feel the best; vibram 5 fingers and boots are the worst. It's only one foot though..idk.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    My left foot has been hurting for about 3 months not very badly but the last month it has been worse and I find myself walking differently to avoid putting all my weight on it. The pain is like, where my big toe meets my foot? that muscle or joint that bends. When I am walking and my weight is on it it hurts a lot, and I just noticed today that I am walking to compensate for it(someone asked why I ws limping, not sure how long I've been doing that).

    I am going to a Dr when the semester is over and I am home(on my mom's insurance and it only covers things at the hospital she works at) but in the mean time should I lay off? I just do like 30 minutes on the elliptical(hurts) and alternate arm/leg weight machines(doesn't hurt much/not at all depending on machine).

    Uhh I saw bone spurs mentioned on some foot website when I googled it, dunno if those are genetic but my grandpa gets them a lot.

    Maybe it's just being on my feet all day for the first time ever? This semester I am in all studio classes and either stand or walk no sitting.

    ETA: It's only my left foot. ahh I'm laying on my couch right now and just flexing it against the couch arm hurts. This was not this bad last time I noticed it :( I must have gotten too used to it.

    I'm not sure if this adds anything but seeing a dr is the right thing. Right now it's just your foot that hurts. But over time your body will try to compensate for the pain by shifting balance or moving a bit differently and you could end up with other things that hurt. Good luck at the dr!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I was also going to suggest swimming but it sounds like that's out. Have you tried a rowing machine? Does that bother your foot? I definitely wouldn't quit working out if you've got that momentum going - I'd try to work around it as much as possible. Hard to do with a hurt foot, but surely there's something out there you could do!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I had a similar problem last Januray. How often are you running? In my case it was just a pulled muscle in my foot. I thought it was broke. Hurt so bad I went to the ER. I stayed off of it as much as possible for two weeks, and it eventually healed up. (I swam to keep my cardio up, lifting anything that required planting that foot was out of the question) I also changed shoes. Yes, go see the doctor because it could be any number of things even if it feels better when you get home.
  • shapeup6
    shapeup6 Posts: 46 Member
    I had this exact same problem. I had pain in my foot (my left as well - metatarsal and it would hurt so bad when I put any weight on my foot) on and off for about 6 months and it got so bad after a long run that I limped around for about 3 weeks. I couldn't take it anymore and I finally made an appointment with the Dr. and he took x-rays. Fortunately it was just a case of flat feet! I now have orthodics that are waiting to be used. I've tried to run and exercise before it was completely healed and every time I do this it just sets me back. My advice would be to let it heal completely before continuing to do anything that may hurt it. If you don't let it heal it is going to keep hurting.