Do you enjoy spending time with your IMMEDIATE family?



  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    To a point. Both my kids got married 3 years ago and they LOVE to play games, any games, and at VOLUME. Can and usually does drive me nuts. I love them and I'm so glad that now my wife can play games with them and I can "pass" and not feel guilty, Oh and if they get too loud, elliptical and TV here I come!:laugh: :wink:
  • AnnabellKE
    AnnabellKE Posts: 26 Member
    I love spending time with my family. We're all sarcastic and they're absolutely hilarious so we spend most of the time laughing :)
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I enjoy spending time with my husband and 5 children. Three of them are grown, one is married and I adore the daughter that he gave me in the form of his witty, nerdy wife. My youngest two still live at home, and they are a hoot to hang around with. Dinner conversations are quite lively, silly, and enjoyable. Even our current exchange student joins in the fun! We also enjoy watching movies together, sometimes playing games.

    My oldest brother and his family don't live too far from us, so we see them several times a year. We don't see eye to eye on everything, but that's okay. Most things we do, and as time goes on, I'm getting to know his wife and understand her better. She's from another country, so there are some big differences, but I'm learning the similarities, and growing to love her.

    So, to answer your question; yes! I certainly do! My husband and I are making more and more time together, since our teenagers are often busy with other things out of the house at this point in their lives. We're having fun!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Well before I "cut my parents off" our relationship was already crap. My mom is extremely manipulative and has a my way or the highway attitude, my dad is a compulsive liar, and my sister inherited all those traits. So... Needless to say our family get togethers were NEVER fun. Veru irrational and immature behavior. last christms I just walked out.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    What makes it awkward??

    Because i live differently than they think i should and sometimes there are just awkward silences or smart comments. (for ex, i homeschool and thats always a egg shell conversation)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    My sisters are my best friends. We are all very different but we love each other very much. We can bicker but it's never serious.

    My mom comforts me and encourages me. I still love her cuddles when I'm sick. Our worldviews can be conflicting and she still treats me like a child sometimes but we enjoy each others' company.

    My dad and I have a lot in common. We listen to music together and watch sports. He is the greatest father on earth in my eyes.

    We are all anxious people so we can get stressed and bicker. But usually everything is lighthearted and fun. We watch movies together, play games, or have family dance parties in my parents' living room.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    My brother can be a pain in the *kitten* sometimes, but I enjoy my family's company. I would rather go out on a Saturday night with my family than a group of friends and I'm an 18 year old girl...

    I grew up with the belief that family always came first. I really only have one true friend other than my family and I'm okay with that. I love my parents, sister, and brother.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    My mother died 2 years ago and my father died in Oct. My two older adult kids are grown and on their own. I have a wonderful husband and a 13 yr. old at home.

    As for in-laws: My single (never married), older sister-in-law lives in our basement apartment. My mum-in-law lives less than a mile away. She's legally blind but fiercely independent, so Hubs is there helping her out alllllllll the time. Another sis-in-law lives 45 mins. away and her grown kids have kids of their own. We rarely see any of them.

    Holidays are kinda sad. Usually, it's just Hubs, me, our daughter, his sister, and Mum. I miss the old days. Enjoy what you have.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member

    I'm not even on speaking terms with my parents.

    I chat to my brother on facebook occasionally but we don't really spend much time together since we live on opposite sides of the country. And since I refuse to have a relationship with my parents any longer, that means we don't really do "family" events.

    Some people say you can't choose your family. I disagree. My family just don't happen to be related by blood.


    I cook at "my sister's" house. We share not one ounce of DNA makeup but we have known each other most of our lives and have been best of friends for over 20 years. Our husbands are like oil and water, her brother and his g/f and her daughter come and they are all 3 irritating as sin but they make it known how inconvenienced they are for having to attend a family gathering and stay to eat but will then promptly leave.

    I do the majority of the cooking because A) I make a mean Thanksgiving dinner and I do it better with no one in my way. B) a couple of recipes are known only by me and not written down. C) My "sister" doesn't have the patience to cook the way I do so I take over her kitchen for the day.

    We talk, though mostly a few smaller group convos going rather than one large group. My "BIL" is totally anti-social and sort of a jackbag. Depending on his ("BIL") mood, it could put my husband off into being anti-social as well but he's pretty enamored with our neices so they do a good job entertaining him and whatnot. My kids will be coming after having dinner with their father so there will be 12 for our dinner.

    I am currently refinishing some furniture for my daughter in their garage so tomorrow I will spend a good portion of the day returning to sanding in between kitchen requirements since we are scheduled to ahve the warmest Thanksgiving in 40 years and the warmest day where I have time to work on it in 3 weeks. The weather will have everybody out in the yard so I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity. My daughter needs the dresser asap... LOL

    I rarely speak to my blood family. MY brother could be dead for all I know. I hate that he and I don't speak but I got past that years ago. My father who I adored has passed; my mother- I won't go into that but we speak only in regard to my 16 year old sister, who I don't get to see much of because of my mother and her husband but she and I are close in terms of texting and social media... she gets her license soon :glasses: . The in-laws are all annoying but we get along fine. We spend Christmas with them typically and it is a good time, though there the TV is on. we talk but typically so much laughter and good times, more like everyday jargon with a few comical points here or there.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I have a very broken family, so they don't even get in the same room together in the first place. Makes me sad. I hope the time I spend with my children and future grandchildren is better.
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    I feel very lucky. My sister is my best friend and her husband (of one month now :) ) is freakin' awesome. My mom and I have (sort of without my noticing) become really good friends as well. And my dad is such a sweet teddy bear- a total dork, but he is amazing as well.

    Like I said, I feel very very lucky to have so much fun with my family.