Hill Sprints

I began doing hill sprints to gain glute mass is this really an effective and worthwhile exercise until now I have been weight training 3 days a week with a barbell/dumbell with free weights. I just added intense 20min cardio in on my off days as I was starting to see some waist increase with my glute gains. But how should I incorporate the hill sprints into this equation? Is it safe to muscle gain to do them before or on the same day as weight training, I read that it was but I guess I would just like some additional advice/input...


  • Doing cardio to gain mass seems inefficient. If you want to work dat *kitten*, look into squatting.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hill sprints are excellent for the booty. I do not do them myself so am not good at advising on the programming - hopefully someone can help with that.

    To be honest though, you will only gain muscle on a calorie surplus (other than a few pounds of newbie gains).
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I'd say it's safe to do them the same day as weight training if you feel up to it. Do it after your weights though. If you do it before you won't have the energy to lift.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Hill sprints are AWESOME!

    I don't do them on the same days as lifting, but I don't think there would be anything 'dangerous' about it, provided you do the sprints after lifting. One of the cool thing about hill sprints is that they're self-limiting, meaning when you run out of steam you stop- it's not like you can force yourself to go further. Weights on the other hand are the opposite- so it's much safer to have reduced performance on a sprint than when you have 150lbs of iron on your back.
    TL;DR, lift then sprints. :smile:

    Like Sara said, if your main goal is to actually add mass, you probably need a small calorie surplus to make progress. However, my opinion is that you *probably* don't need to add new mass, but training the mass that is there will get you awesome results!