Hello! I need motivating friends!

Hi everyone! I began MFP back in March and lost 20lbs. I quit and then gained it all back.

Now I'm back and plan to lose at least 40lbs! I'm way too close to 200lbs and I cant allow myself to get any heavier! I'm 5'7 by the way. (I love seeing success pics with people of similar height!)

I know that I need to begin exercising. I've never been one to enjoy it, but I want to learn to. I'm contemplating joining a gym. I think if I make myself do the classes they have there, I'll maybe enjoy it more. I hope I can make myself do it a minimum of 1 hour a day, 4 days a week. I'm hoping for more!

I need friends on MFP that have already lost some weight, work out often, and can push me to do the same! I'll be your motivators as well! Please add me!

Also, I'd love your tips about how you got yourself to begin exercising and what worked for you. Was it joining a gym? Was it classes offered by your gym? Was it finding a workout buddy? Or do you just do it at home? How do you kelp yourself from quitting or slacking?

Hope I'll make some friends and we can help each other out!


  • Hi......you have done the hardest bit by admitting its time to get back into it.
    I found that joining in classes helps with the motivation because normally your class mates all have common ground......ie they all want to get fitter....stay fitter and or lose weight. There is no better feeling than completing a hard productive class with like minded friends. The other way is to invest in a good personal trainer because the right one will find out about you and compile a taylor made programme just for you....they will also help with the nutrition side of things which is a big part and very important.
    BUT....Its when your alone and away from the classes or instructor that the real hard work begins......trust me ive been there.
    Self motivation is not easy but as you see the results of your efforts maybe this time you will continue to achieve your goals.
    MFP has helped me so much but it is early days...I wish you luck and If you want a buddy then add me.