Anyone on MFP drinking meal replacement shakes?

Good day MFP community.I am new to MFP,I am finding it so hard to lose weight and stay focused and motivated.Is there anyone that uses or used meal replacement shakes and has had success losing weight and keeping it off?I would really appreciate your input.Thank. You


  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I have drank a Slim Fast shake before but it should be used more as a supplement than a replacement. You want to eat healthy foods rather than replace them with a shake.

    If I drink one, I drink it in between dinner and bed because thats my trouble spot when ill gorge.
  • lose3stone
    lose3stone Posts: 76 Member
    I have lost weight using meal replacements and I did keep the weight off until my last 2 pregnancies but my advice would be to eat a healthy and balance diet and re teach yourself how to eat properly. Mayb have a handful of shakes/bars to hand and use them on those days where you just run out of time as they are much better than chocolate or junk food :)
    Good luck
  • Everythin2Lose
    I know plenty of people who've lost weight on the shakes (the replace 2 meals diet). My mum lost about 15kg over about 6mths. But low and behold, she has put it back on when she started eating proper meals again.

    I tried them, biggest loser shakes, slimfast, ultraslim- but I anything I lost I put straight back on because I don't have the commitment to just drink my meals day in and day out. I REALLY REALLY like chewing and enjoying my food!

    It's another quick fix- you'll hear it again and again on here- you need to commit to a healthier lifestyle and exercise exercise exercise! I'm 11kg and counting and eat WHATEVER i want in moderation!

    In saying that I have slimfast in my cupboard for those mornings or nights when I need to consume calories but I don't feel well or I'm in too much of a rush! They are a good filler! :happy: hope that helps!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I only use a meal replacement shake if my schedule gets me in a squeeze and never more than one a day. In the course of the last 11 months on my new healthy lifestyle I have had maybe 20 spread out over those months.

    When I do drink them, I drink the carb free protein powder with water and throw in frozen fruit in my blender.

    I get in a very hectic schedule with work, my music ministry and holiday stuff. I carry a protein shaker tumbler, enough powder for a serving in my car in case I need a meal. Most of the time I can eat on my plan without needing to do so.

    Many people are successful with meal replacement shakes - I just use them sparingly
  • angelscry35
    Thank you to everyone for your input.Much appreciated
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I am doing slimfast, most days I have a shake for breakfast and lunch, and because I really like them I find it easy to stick to. It has always worked well for me, it helped me to lose 3 stone after the birth of my second daughter!
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I lost about 45lbs in 10 weeks on the Cambridge diet sole source plan. Soon as I started eating food again I found it extremely difficult to control my hunger and struggled to even maintain the weight. I ended up gaining it all back over the course of about 6 month.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    NO, for me personally I eat real food, try to avoid as much processed foods as possible, yes, even the so called healthy frozen foods like Lean Cuisine, they are processed as well. I do drink whey protein shakes after workouts. But not as a meal replacement. They can work in a pinch, it's not for me. Do your research as you seem to be doing, and if you decide it's for you, give it a go. Good Luck!
  • wobblyweevil
    Yep, I was on exante diet food replacement with occasional ketogenic meals for the first 3 months to make a big dent in my weight. I transitioned gradually to more and more healthy foods and fewer replacements, maintained for a while on just food, and am now back on the weight loss wagon with just food. 16lb to go so it's going to be slow, and I'm going to have to eat like this most of the time forever now that I've found out how to maintain. MFP is a massive, massive help in the re-education process of how much certain foods are worth, and how much exercise it takes to cancel out a splurge - I maintained without tracking for about 6 weeks.

    The first time round a few years ago I lost weight on lipotrim - I didn't do the proper re-feeding, I had an unsupportive partner & then a crap break up, but even so after putting a stone or so back on I then maintained most of my loss for a while until depression came back and my diet consisted almost entirely of carbohydrates & caffeine - it didn't take long for me to balloon.

    VLCD/food replacements are a tool just like any other diet, they are great to give a boost and an incentive to keep with the programme as fat loss is so rapid and hunger isn't an issue after the first few days. If people eat a healthy maintenance diet afterwards, they will not pile weight back on. Most diets have a high failure rate - no matter how you lose the weight, if you go back to your old eating habits that caused you to pile it on in the first place, you will put weight back on.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I would try to stay away from the meal replacement shakes!!!
    They'll help you loose weight but not in a good/healthy weight.
    My mom has tried them from slimfast to biggest loser shakes and she looses but as soon as she stops drinking them she gains all that weight right back!!

    One thing I do drink is Shakeology;

    I don't get hungry like I do when I drink those other shakes.
    It's curbed ALL of my sweet tooth cravings and when I first started drinking it I lost about 10 lbs without really trying hard!
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I tend to have a protein shake when I have my sugar dip at about 2pm and the cookie jar in the office looks fabulous.

    Also if I'm travelling, I carry protein powder serving in my purse and and shaker bottle for on the run so I am not tempted with drive thru McDonalds, KFC or whatever.

    I recommend sticking to real food unless you're on the run, no time for decent food or just in a rut.

    Slim fast is not bad, their soup pouches are pretty OK too.
  • Back2MeDiva
    Back2MeDiva Posts: 24 Member
    I drink them for breakfast daily. It allows me to have something in the am instead of skipping and feeling like I'm starving by lunch time. I like them, but wouldn't use them to replace any other meals during my day.
  • Shanique10
    Hi Folks, I have been drinking Shakeology Shakes and they have been great. I love them. They give me so much energy and regulate my metabolism. I have seen great weight loss as a result. Lately, I haven't been consistent with drinking my shake and I can feel it, I get tired quickly, I'm sleepy, so I'm actually about to get myself back on track with them, but yeah, there great!
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Like a few other people have mentioned, I drink Shakeology daily. Its a bit different from most other meal replacement shakes (like Body By Vi and Slimfast) because it is packed full of nutrients that those other shake brands don't offer. :)
  • WinwillLose
    I do sometimes, I like the total lean from GNC, they work with the lower carb South Beach diet that I am working.
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    i really like them especially for breakfast when i struggle for time to have a big healthy breakfast BUT i wouldn't do them solely maybe just a few a week x
  • skinnypig85
    I try the Right Size Smoothies... and it work the first time ... the second time it didnt do anything for me ... you should try to plan your meals... 6 small meals a day is helping me ... good luck
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I am also a shakeology fan and it IS full of nutrition, more so than I would eat for breakfast. I've been having one for breakfast daily for a year and Love it!

    overall, to lose weight this should only be Part of your plan. you still need good nutrition and snacks the rest of the day, and some exercise. Even if you start very slowly with a 5 minute walk.

    You can do this! It takes dedication, and a new way of looking at food. Food is Fuel for your body, help your body by giving it good fuel.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    As a non-fan of breakfast food items, I do a Slim fast shake for breakfast. I buy the powder and mix it with warm milk, so it tastes like hot cocoa. Keeps me full until lunch.
  • graywi123
    graywi123 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a Six-Star-Protein (bought it at walmart) shake every morning. It has 30g of Protein and I add berries and/or a banana. It's about 240 kalories and it keeps me going until lunch. I found it to be a great meal replacement. I have a little smoothie maker and the shake is very creamy and filling.