Yorkie Fan Club



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Did you get that picture Brenda?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I have a couple of "funnies" to share about my "herd."

    The first is a story about my Lhasa Apso--Mai Li:

    I took the babies to the groomer Monday, and Mai Li, once again, proved that she is still perfectly capable of living up to her nickname "Diva Girl." All three of them got out of the car for a little last minute business in the yard of the grooming establishment, which is at the end of a long driveway, away from the street. As we walked toward the door of the shop, Mai Li got to the door and suddenly turned tail and headed out, into the yard down the driveway and then a turn on the sidewalk and down the street--:noway: with "momma" in hot pursuit. All commands to "wait" were ignored. Despite my improved level of fitness, for a fat "old lady"of 11.5 years, my little piglet girl can still really move fast!! Fortunately, she encountered a smell interesting enough to stop for and I was able to snag her and attach a leash and lead her back to the front door!!

    Bradley and Pepper, meanwhile had walked inside and were patiently waiting for us to come back!!:heart:

    The next story involves "Bradley the Terror:"

    On Sunday night, at a church dinner, I was given some extra dessert, which I planned to take to my mom and dad. It was two chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting and a little chocolate decoration on top of each one. Very cute, in honor of Valentine's Day. To keep them from being flattened, I put them in a box that was in the back of my hatchback car. Due to a change in plans, I didn't make it to my parents' on Sunday night, so I left the cupcakes in the car, along with other items intended for them. On Monday morning, I got up later than planned and hurried to get the doggies walked and into the car for their grooming appointment. I put Bradley and Pepper into the car and took Mai Li back inside to make sure she got a drink before we left. When I came out, I loaded her in and we took off. Bradley, I noticed, had some reddish "crumbs" in his beard when I got him out of the car, but I didn't really think too much about it.

    After my little footrace with Mai Li was concluded, and the three of them were safely under the control of the groomer, I visited my parents, and as I was sitting in their living room, I suddenly remember the cupcakes, and realized they were not in the box--which I brought upstairs since it had other items intended for my mom and dad. About that time, I recalled the "crumbs.":wink::noway: and realized my little Yorkshire piglet had porked out on both of the cupcakes!! My mom commented they must have been good if he ate them, but since I think he is part goat--he even ate the paper covers that were on the cupcakes:noway: -- I am not sure that the fact he ate them proves anything, except that no food item is safe unless it is out of his reach!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Bradley was not done with his "guerrilla eating tactics" for that day. When I picked up the dogs from the groomer, I had some additional food items in the car that I had picked up for my mom --including a bag with three hoagie rolls in it. I opened the door, put Bradley and the others in, walked around to the other side of the car and opened that door, and that little stinker had ALREADY stuck his nose in the bread bag and taken a bite out of one of the hoagie rolls!!!! :noway: :noway: Talk about speedy!!

    My mom is a good sport. She said she would cut that end off the roll and use the rest of it.

    So far today, everyone has stayed out of trouble, but it is only about 6 pm PT, so their is still plenty of time left for someone to be naughty!:laugh: :laugh:
  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member

    Tried posting a pic of my Yorkie, I don't know why it says it's been deleted. I have the picture in Photobucket and I copied the code. Oh, well!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh my gosh....your three pups sound like a handful!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Chewie HATES the groomer so the second he gets close to the door he puts on the brakes and then I have to carry him in the rest of the way. :tongue: