Looking for fitnesspal

where do i start, im 27 year old i live in NC I have one daughter and wife...I'V been trying to lose this weight Forever .. I GOT SO HEAVY... that i didnt like my self ... 350pounds WOW!! i hate that kids tell you the truth about your self.. My daughter told me i was FAT.... I was so mad that she was told me the Truth about myself...So April 2012 i decide ti change my life... i started eating better , but everybody know you just cant go cold TURKEY!! So i did it slow i started to walk at the park with my mom 3x week then i decide i will join a gym... I was scared of what people would think of me... but i came realize everyone was in there for the same reason!!!! TO work on themself... BY june i had lose 52lbs,,, and i felt great... i keep it off but then i started slackin in sept.... so updated i gain 10lbs back and now im fighting to lose more then just them 10 lbs... M Y goal is to be 180lbs... its going to take time but i know i can do it!!! Welcome to my world....


  • Elizabeth38NC
    It's not easy... I've been up and down... on the wagon, off the wagon... a few times since I joined this site. The dedication and commitment part of being healthy is the hardest part. We all have triggers... so just keep on keeping on and take it a day at the time, or in my case an hour at the time :) Good luck!
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    Good luck! It is hard and lots of comminment. I am finding that. I have the app on like everything that I own so then I don't have a reason not to log in and do it. I had to take a break here for the last couple of days because I got sick and could barely move, but today I am back on the wagon and heading it hard. You can do it!
  • marievil222
    RIGHT ON with the fifty two pounds lost!! that's awesome!! I just started this today. I lived in NC waaaay back in the early and mid nineties when i was married to a soldier. [ft bragg] i live in alabama, now. got my kids raised [i'm 44] and was planning on going back to school now that i've gotten them to that point and THEN found out i have breast cancer. i'm 5'3" and 230, and i thought, "hey. this is a perfect time to get in shape for your general health and before your surgery, so you'll heal better." sooo, i have gone back to a vegan diet and am exercising daily while on my last 14 weeks of chemo. once i knock this silly illness out and get back to school, ain't NO STOPPIN' me!! :D i was really impressed with your strength when i read your post. i know how hard it is going into a gym... it takes a LOT. i know I hate it. ...and, also, ten pounds is NOTHING. you will lose that and get right back on track. good luck to BOTH of us, I say. have a wonderful day and a blessed thanksgiving!!!