p90x and no weight loss...what am i doing wrong?!



  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Some people have no WEIGHT loss, but do have FAT loss. Don't focus on the scale, especially as you are only 2 weeks through.


    If they are losing fat, why isn't the scale changing?

    Gaining muscle.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Some people have no WEIGHT loss, but do have FAT loss. Don't focus on the scale, especially as you are only 2 weeks through.


    If they are losing fat, why isn't the scale changing?

    Gaining muscle.

    In 2 weeks? On 1000 net cals? Forgive me for being skeptical.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    As I showed you in the other thread., you should be eating 1900 calories. Also, your body needs to adjust to the additional calories and 2 weeks is not enough. Please also make sure you follow the rules (see below). In the future, it would be better to bump your old thread then create a new one.

    9. Do Not Post the Same Topic on Multiple Boards or Groups

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  • ZoobityBop
    p90x is nomally a good program, but I guess everyone's different...you ought to try different methods if that one isn't cutting it, like the diet solution program. Read about it here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/the-diet-solution-program-review/

    Good luck..
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    If you look at the nutrition guide and do the math you will see that the lowest calorie allowance is 1800.

    I'm on week 3, eating 1800 but eating the foods I want, not what Tony tells me to. I've dropped .6% body fat. I'm 36, 5'4" and 131 pounds.
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    The first couple of pages of the Nutrition Guide go in to pretty good detail regarding food. In no uncertain terms, they state that one should not run a calorie deficit diet while doing P90X.

    Use the calculation they provide to determine where your calories should be. Or, you could use the online calc here, choose sedentary lifestyle, and then add 600 to whatever your BMR is. For me, it comes out to 3000 calories per day. The real number varies a little because you won't put 600 cals of workout on the table every day.

    The biggest challenge, which is what I'm struggling with at the moment, is how to get my numbers even remotely close to that without totally blowing my carbs and fats. My coach first said "just eat" and when he sensed I was looking for a target calorie number, he said he felt 2100 was pretty common .... But I'm a guy, it is going to be different for you

    My calorie deficit target prior to P90X was 1750. Now I'm shooting for 2100 net. Just yesterday I got as close as ever, and sure enough, the scale dropped a pound for the first time in two weeks
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    you're not eating even close to enough. If you're burning 600 I'd eat at least 2500 because p90x isn't meant to be done on a deficit. But it's up to you.