Travel for a living...need some ideas and motivation!

Hi all!

My name is Amy...I'm a 24 year old, 5'7, 200 lb woman. I have struggled with weight my entire life. Last year, I started a job that has made my road to becoming healthy even more difficult: a travel job.

I am on the road 21-30 days/month, so a normal routine is anything but easy. I am looking to build the biggest support system possible to keep me motivated. So far I have lost 4 pounds, and 61 to go. I know it's going to be a long road...but I am confident that if I have the right positive attitude and support I can do it!!!!

So please please feel free to add me if you have tips on traveling healthier and/or are looking for some motivation yourself. I tend to be a very positive person, and would love to also help anyone out there stay confident!