Getting fit after baby

Hey, My name is LeeAnn and I have been on this site for a while, but haven't really checked out the message boards until today. I am a 27 year old mother of 3. I am trying to get back in shape since having my baby 9 months ago. I spent my whole pregnancy on bed rest and spent a few months afterwards unable to do much due to complications. I am currently doing Turbofire, drinking shakeology, and tracking my calories as well as trying to live an active lifestyle. I am hoping to get a good support group going as I love helping people and love the idea of being accountable to others, it helps keep me motivated. Can't wait to start getting to know everyone :)


  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    welcome to the message boards and good luck with you weight loss! I think that you will find lots of supportive people here.
  • mistresstomato
    mistresstomato Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have an 8 1/2 month old and am finally getting rid of those pesky few last pounds!
  • Hi I am 24 and have a ten month old... I had to take it easy till my stiches healed from a c section... it took three months to heal!... I am no on a mission to be 150 lbs by july. Feel free to add me.
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! I just had my son, he's 4 months now. I gained 40lbs while I was pregnant, finally lost it all, just by going back to work and breastfeeding. Before I got pregnant I was on a journey to lose 70lbs...I have about 36lbs to go! Feel free to add me, I also do Turbofire :)
  • nehami
    nehami Posts: 16
    I have a 3 months old, trying to loose baby weight, have started my efforts 2 days back since I am back at work and really want to getinto my old clothes. I have gained 35 pounds in my pregnancy and only lost 10 after delivery, so I have a long way to go..Feel free to add me..
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I#m 35 and my kids are 3 and 18 months now and I went back to exercising when each of them was 7 weeks old. I was lucky enough to have natural births with no stitches both times (I have the child bearing hips to thank for that lol).

    I put on loads of weight in my 2nd pregnancy but I'm now smaller than when I first got pregnant with my son in 2008.

    I go to the gym/do personal training/spinning/zumba/aerobics. I've been using MFP since about June and think it's really helped keep up my motivation.

    I work part time as a secondary school teacher, so spend my days at work with teenagers, and my days off I spend chasing round after my 2! I'm not sure which is the most difficult :smile:

    Feel free to add me!