Help with nerves returning to fitness (dance)!

So this applies particularly to ballet/dance class, but I figure everyone could have some great insight.

I'm hoping for a bit of help with my nerves...or at least a bit of encouragement :)

My confession is that I've been away from dance completely for the last 6 months. Not a single class. I haven't been sedentary, but I haven't been doing any exercise that need a degree of skill/familiarity (basically just biking to work). I'm sure people who run, do mantial arts, mountain biking etc. will know what I mean.

It started because my work schedule changed and I couldn't get to my classes, and this was true until around a month ago. Now I don't have that excuse as work has lessened up a bit.

Problem now is that I think it's my nerves that are keeping me from heading back (I mainly do ballet and contemporary dance btw). I keep having all sorts of 'reasons' (read EXCUSES) that have kept me from returning to class, but I know I'm just nervous. I know what havoc 6 months of doing nothing can reak on your body and dance technique. I know I'm going to be frustrated and irritated with the slow climb back to where I was 6 months ago. People in my classes are GOOD as well, which doesn't make things easier.

Anyways, has anyone experienced this? (doesn't just have to be dancers) Any words of wisdom? Ultimately, I know 'just do it' is the answer, I'm just looking for a bit of help with my outlook, or some ideas etc.

Thanks in advance!


  • commotionstrange
    commotionstrange Posts: 73 Member
    bump...anyone? :)
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I started taking dance classes just this year -- mainly ballet and modern. I was nervous going into it since, even though the classes are labeled as "beginning", I figured most people wouldn't really be as beginning as I am. I was right about that. Most of the people in the classes have experience and/or are in much better shape than I am. But, I am so glad I started taking classes. I enjoy it so much and it gives me some great goals to work toward (as opposed to the uninspiring goal of "5 more minutes on the elliptical").

    I know my nerves were based on the fear that people would be judging me, but I quickly realized that they're not. They're not even looking at me. When I'm in class I'm either looking at the teacher, myself, or, maybe, one of the better students. I think most people in the class are doing the same.

    Try to focus on how dance makes you feel. Also, try to pinpoint exactly what it is you're nervous about. If it's other people, try to forget them, they aren't going to care. And if it's being out of practice, well, try to remember that you'll be even more out of practice if you wait six more months to get started. Good luck!
  • commotionstrange
    commotionstrange Posts: 73 Member
    I started taking dance classes just this year -- mainly ballet and modern. I was nervous going into it since, even though the classes are labeled as "beginning", I figured most people wouldn't really be as beginning as I am. I was right about that. Most of the people in the classes have experience and/or are in much better shape than I am. But, I am so glad I started taking classes. I enjoy it so much and it gives me some great goals to work toward (as opposed to the uninspiring goal of "5 more minutes on the elliptical").

    I know my nerves were based on the fear that people would be judging me, but I quickly realized that they're not. They're not even looking at me. When I'm in class I'm either looking at the teacher, myself, or, maybe, one of the better students. I think most people in the class are doing the same.

    Try to focus on how dance makes you feel. Also, try to pinpoint exactly what it is you're nervous about. If it's other people, try to forget them, they aren't going to care. And if it's being out of practice, well, try to remember that you'll be even more out of practice if you wait six more months to get started. Good luck!

    Thanks so much for the reply :) People have been really supportive in my class, and it's great to hear that you've taken on dance class and also had a good experience! I think you're right about there being no better time than now, because I'm just going to feel more out of practice the longer I wait. Good advice too to focus on how dance makes me feel, because I do love it, and I KNOW I'll feel great once I'm done the first class.

    Thanks again!