Working Out when You Work...

I work stupid long hours (12 hrs a day) at a desk job, and after getting of work at 9 pm ( started at 9, but leaving my house 15 to 8 to get there) the last thing I wanna do is work any of you have the same issue, and how do you get around it?


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    workout in the morning
  • I too have an office job and work long hours and completely understand your unwillingness to work out after a long day. I do not know your situation at work but here are a couple of things I have done to incorporate some exercise into my day. At lunch I started walking, just a km or 2 during my lunch hour. Since I started doing this, others have joined and it actually has become a lot of fun. I also close my office door a couple of times a day and do some light stretching which makes you feel incredible believe it or not. Any exercise, regardless of how light or trivial you think it is, is better than nothing. Anything that increases your heart rate will be beneficial to your health and will burn calories. Another thing I do when I am really energetic, is work out in the morning. I know this sounds crappy and does take time but you will not believe the amount of extra energy you have throughout the day. You will sleep better and will not feel exhausted when you come home at night.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    In the sam boat-- sedentary desk job , long hours ... I do yoga or barre 3 for ten to twenty minutes each morning, and i wear a nike fuel bad to count all my activity.. I take two ten minute walk breaks a day and try to walk twenty minutes before and after i eat lunch. I park as far away as safe at work and when running errands.

    It all adds up, and beats not exercising at all!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    work out in the morning or at lunch or suck it up and go after work :smile:

    i also sometimes work long hours and will have to put in additional time, but i also leave 1 hour to exercise.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I work full time+ and I get up at 4:20 am so I can workout, bathe and then get my kids ready to be heading out the door at around 7 am. You can fit working out into your life if you make it a priority.
  • Ranada1981
    Ranada1981 Posts: 7 Member
    I work full time+ and I get up at 4:20 am so I can workout, bathe and then get my kids ready to be heading out the door at around 7 am. You can fit working out into your life if you make it a priority.
    This sounds like my life I'm going to try in start the 4am working out sounds great!! Thank you for posting this:smile::smile: :smile: