Calories and Exercise

Hello, Everyone.

I am very new to all of this (3weeks) and have a couple of questions.
#1- do you have to eat all of the calories that MFP says you should be having in a day in order to loose weight?
#2-do you have to eat the extra calories that exercising gives you for your daily count?

Thanks for the help and info.


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    The main thing is to eat enough that your body does not go into "starvation mode" and start hoarding calories. That's actually a problem I've been having lately. It's a tough balance.
  • paddymc
    paddymc Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the reply!

    How do you know that your body is in starvation mode? You stop loosing?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    MFP already has you on a deficit based on your goals so, for you to meet the goals, as set out by yourself, you will have to eat all of the cals suggested and the extra earned from exercise.
    I, too have only been doing this for a little while, but since I am all in I decided to follow their recommendations for calorie amount. I have found since making that decision that I have been having a hard time eating all the calories allowed without eating stuff I really "shouldn't". I have a 300+ calorie breakfast, a good 500 calorie lunch and by dinner I am not that hungry so I have a Lean Cuisine or something relatively light. well I have been under 1,200 ( which they recommend eating over that amount so you do not go into "starvation"mode and lower your metabolism) for two weeks now and have lost 1/2 a pound a day. Now realize that I have 130 pounds left to lose but getting a good kick start is nice. Also as to the excersize, I use my wii fit + and burn 250 - 300 calories a day and I don't want to eat that much in seems like a waste to me. So I am probably even lower on calories than I should be. But my main focus has been recognizing when I am HUNGRY and not eating to feel better or whatever. I think everyone is different and since changing my eating habits the end of December,I have not been ravenously hungry, just keeping myself comfortable so I don't pig out somewhere.:bigsmile:
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    There is the "science" side of this, which you'll see lots of discussion about here if you look around. Some very good, easy-to-understand explanations. Helps you to "get it", since being told to eat more seems counter-intuitive.

    As for more personal evidence...I can tell you that on days when I haven't eaten what I was supposed to (including all of my exercise calories), I've either gone to bed hungry, or have felt VERY hungry and not easily satisfied the next day. I was much more tempted to binge! Eating at least close to the amount that MFP tells me every day keeps me feeling satisfied over the long term.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I agree with most of what has been said. It's not bad to be under, just not too far under. Particularly under 1200. I also agree with focusing on what your body is saying. I have gained weight personally this week, probably from eating too few calories. :(
  • paddymc
    paddymc Posts: 19 Member
    You people are amazing!! You've answered everything! I"m on a day off, heading to the gym then I"m going to eat!!! Promise.
