Swearing off ALL sodas...now before 2013



  • Sharkington
    Yes, I cut diet soda from my diet months ago and I am so happy I did. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be (and i used to drink A LOT), but after a week or so of drinking only water, my body got used to to it and doesn't really crave soda (or even the carbonation) anymore.

    My complexion has cleared up a lot (now that I drink more water) and I don't feel as bloated anymore.

    If you are still craving the carbonation, try adding in sparkling/seltzer water into a little bit of fruit juice (cranberry, for example), maybe?
  • RetroSnowflake
    I stopped drinking anything fizzy, two years ago in August. Best decision I ever made.
  • Tryinonemoretime
    Tryinonemoretime Posts: 86 Member
    I feel your pain! I was a die hard diet pop drinker for all my life. I could put away more diet pop in a day than anyone else I know. It was ALL I drank. One thing with trying to diet that always defeated me was my sweet tooth. My doctor told me that if I gave up diet pop my sweet tooth would go away.. My response was bullsh*t! Well she was right. After about a week my sweet tooth was gone and I didn't really crave the diet pop. I called her up and admitted I was wrong and that she was right. In the mean time I had to have a body scan because my phosphate levels were so high from drinking so much pop. If I do get the craving for the carbonation I drink sparkling water and that is a life saver for me. It keeps me off the pop and isn't near as bad for me. You can do it!!!!!