
DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I play pool for a local team here in the UK, and they put on a lot of good (read calorie-laden) food for the teams. I am always very tempted - who isn't - by this kind of thing. I keep resisting though because even though I know I have a lot of calories left every day, I am totally unsure how much is in each piece of chicken etc. that they have!

I am just wondering how many of you simply guess the calories in food and consider that as being fine to do? Anybody only eat things they can count every single calorie?


  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Sometimes I just try to find somethign comparable in the data-base if I'm not sure. I always try to OVER-estimate a little, though.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I guesstimate, because I figure it is better than just putting nothing, and it is unrealistic for me to say I will never eat those kinds of things. Like tonight, I have been invited to a "girls night in, with pizza, chicken wings and junk food". (and although not mentioned, this means drinks too). I am sure there will be all kinds of home made goodies. I signed up to bring veggies and low fat dip but I know I will have some of the other stuff. So I am saving my calories (plain salad with low fat dressing for lunch right now) and will try to log (and guesstimate) everything I eat tonight. Sometimes I will pick something similar from the database - from a restaurant, take out place, or brand name, even though I am sure it is very different. Sometimes I will try to go the "ingredients" route - at least the most prevalent ones. For me, keeping faithful to the logging process is more important that 100% accuracy.
  • well, i'm vegan, and i make alot of my foods at home, and have trouble finding a ton of stuff in the database, so usually i just add the non vegan item from the data base(i'm guesstimating, and also i'm safe not going over cals cause there is usually a pretty decent chance that the normal version has alot more fat and cals than the vegan version), cheese dip for instance, i use the rotel and velvetta from the data base, but my vegan cheesedip contains no cheese of any kind not even vegan cheese(weird i know but its good). it consist of wheat flour,1/2 cup cashew, rotel and nutritional yeast flakes, so i know i'm safe, cause there is no way mine has as many fat and cals as the regular kind does. sorry i know i rambled but to me guesstimating is better than not logging at all.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I do guesstimate. Its hard to get it exact. Also, for me...I want to be able to make good choices in any situation, and not feel deprived either. So if its having a little grubby pub food to keep some normalcy to my "diet", then I'm ok w/ that, because its real life and its going to happen in the future, even when I've reached my goal weight. :drinker:
  • I never want to be under, so yeah over estimating is the way to go. If you HAVE To, it's not like you can ever be precise.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I agree with them! It's unrealistic to think you aren't ever going to have those kinds of foods, and the longer you deprive yourself of them, you will eventually cave into temptation probably causing you to eat way more than you intend to. If you know what they are serving, I would plan in advance, look up something similar in the database, and give yourself a limit before you start. I would also suggest overestimating your calories, but this way you can still have something "good' :smile: and not feel deprived, but also feel like you were in control! Good luck!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    If you're guesstimating on 4 chicken wings one friday night, not sure if they're 250 calories or 300 calories, that's not a problem.

    If you're guesstimating a pound of deep fried crap 4 times every week and just logging it as 50 calories, then you're kidding yourself and you have a problem. :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Over estimating is the way to go:wink: but you might try packing some snacks to take with you, which means you have to prepare ahead of time:huh: but then you will KNOW what you are eating...and don't forget to dring lots of water...having that glass (or bottle) in your hand will keep you from reaching for something that you know will not be good for you.. Good Luck!

  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I probably eat about 95% of all my foods only those I can find the calorie content for, or use a recipe calculator to figure calories for the stuff I prepare at home. Alot of places around where we live post nutrition info on a menu and/or on their website so I am able to still eat out once in awhile but be fully prepared for what I am going to have before I do. Plus, I work from home, and homeshool my son, so I have the lucky freedom to be able to cook the majority of everything, so I know what's going in it. Thankfully.

    My situation is not always realistic for others though, and I second, third and fourth what everyone is saying, sometimes you have to use your best guess and judgment in those situations. You have to be able to eat, and you will not realistically be able to ALWAYS know the calories of what you are eating. When you are at the games, have some of what is there, but smaller amounts, and make adjustments when you can, like....if there is pub chicken, pick off the skin (I know, the batter fried skin tastes good, lol) but it will huge cut back on calories, or skip the sauces and dips, have less alcohol (if you typically have a couple, not sure) so you aren't using your calories up in a beer and not the best food.

    And by the way, HUGE CONGRATS on your awesome weight loss, and all you have accomplished, how exciting and motivating for me and others too! :flowerforyou:
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks for replies everyone :-)

    Yeah, I mean I always used to eat a little of the food there every week (once a week on Tuesdays) before I had found MFP and well, it didn't seem to harm my weightloss. I guess because MFP is new to me, and also because losing each pound is so much harder right now, i've kind of become a little obsessed with the food diary and logging. Hopefully i will ease off a little bit and just choose similar types of food from the database. Makes sense now i've seen people saying that, so thank you!! :-)
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