I have broken my addiction..

jlking Posts: 29 Member
For the last 13 years, I have drank Diet Mountain Dew like crazy. When I say like crazy, I mean 5 or 6 20 oz. bottles per day. It was as though I couldn't survive without it. When I would try to quit, the headaches would come, and I would start drinking recklessly again. At work, I couldn't function unless I had 2 20oz. bottles in me by 10am.

Anyway, I started using MFP about three weeks ago. I also decided to cut down on the Dt. Mt. Dew. I was able to cut it down to 2 per day, then one, and now........I haven't had any for the past seven days. The headaches have left, and I no longer crave it. Now it's just water throughout the day and crystal light in the evening.

I know it sounds dumb, but it was a big deal for me. I just hope it helps with my weight loss.


  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    That is GREAT!!!!!!! Soda, no mater what kind is not the healthiest of drinks. You just did one of the best things ever and got rid of a huge amount of sugar. Great job!
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    congratulations!! that is great!!! Enjoy your freedom :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Congratulations! Those headaches are horrid aren't they? That was from the caffiene withdraws - did you have the nightmares too?
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good job! It's hard to break the Dew habit :) Whether or not it helps with your weight loss, you will be healthier! Go water! :drinker:
  • veganmommy04
    thats fantastic!!! it was hard for me to quit diet soda as well, so i know its a major accomplishment for you!! be proud and keep it up!! march will be one year since i successfully gave it up!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Not only a great accomplishment, but imagine how much money you are now saving! Way to go!
  • jennai
    jennai Posts: 22 Member
    This is truly a great accomplishment! I admire you! I too, am in love with soda. I have tried many times to quit, to no avail. I have greatly reduced my consumption of this delicious concoction, but have not conquered my addiction. I honestly just don't want to stop drinking soda - that's all there is to it! Anyway, great job =)
  • teb1215
    WAY TO GO! That is a great acheivement!!!
  • kellycrow
    That's great!!! I gave up caffeine a while ago and after the initial headaches, things have been sooooo much better!! You are so much healthier by doing that! Now - try to work on the artificial sweeteners... those are terrible for you... I know people rely on them for weight loss, but I am 99.9% convinced they caused my mother's cancer of her digestive tract... she lived on all things nutrasweet. diet coke was her drink of choice. i quit the artificial sweeteners as well and am not missing them. On occasion, I will have something with them and I get so sick from it!
    In any even - congrats on kicking the Dew!! :o)
  • rnmommy
    rnmommy Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome, i wish i could break my coffee addiction!:happy:
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Amazing job!! You will feel so much better. I truly believe the chemicals in diet soda devastated my body. I used to drink diet Pepsi nonstop. I have not drank pop in about ten years and my health is now better than ever! :happy:
  • TwentyTen
    Oh yes that IS a big deal. Not easy at all.

    I have the same sort of addiction to caffeine and sugar in the form of coffee as looong as I can remember. I am currently trying to wean. Going cold turkey has never worked. It just hurrrts. I am hoping that within a couple more weeks that I can be free of that addiction myself. I am sure it is largely responsible for my weight gain, all that sugar.. bleh! Used often as a replacement for food in my case. Ridding yourself of that junk has to be beneficial, and I will bet it does enhance your weight loss efforts.

    Congrats to you!!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    That is amazing! All of these little things we do for our bodies, add up so quickly!! This is great motivation :) You are going to do fantasticly! Good luck :)
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Congrats! I have a tough time not drinking diet coke because I feel like it fills my stomach up. The funny thing about Diet soda is that while it has no sugar in it, the fake sweetener can wreak havoc on a diet. If you crave something sweet you might go to the dew, but the brain doesn't recognize this fake sugar to turn off your sweet craving which leads to a vicious cycle of overeating in search of that 'thing' to satisfy.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I am right there with ya. I have been cutting WAY back on ketchup lately. Thats a big deal for me. I can not belive how good food tastes without it. Good job on cutting out the Dew!!:smile:
  • Questfor250
    Hey Buddy, For me it was CF Diet Pepsi. For breakfast, lunch snacks, dinner, whatever, I only drank CF Diet Pepsi. I literally would go through a six pack daily or more. Once I started MFP and did the 7 day cleanse and stuck to water, My tastes changed dramatically. I will now drink one once in a while, but now it is a 12 ounce can. Or at a restaurant I will do a soda and then a water and make sure I drink each equally and refill when both empty. But one thing you said was a huge difference for me. Since I have started MFP my headaches that I got daily had disappeared. In addition the loss of weight has taking away the painful Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that had plagued me once I crossed over 300. Enjoy the freedom from the addiction. That is just the beginning of a healthy and long life.
  • TwentyTen
    I am very close t caving in for my second sweet coffee of the day.. I .. can't... help... myself... ahhhhhhhg. Just to get through the last couple huors of the work week, ya know? I know you all know where I am coming from.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    I used to be really addicted to diet coke and then coke zero. I decided recently to replace that with green tea (which im now also addicted to lol)
  • TwentyTen
    At least I do not keep coffee in the house , so it's a little easier on wekends to avoid it. Now, if ONLY there weren't coffee shops on every damn corner. My plan is TO switch my addiction to green tea, that way I will at least be off the sugar.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Great job! I've cut out soda, too... the water here tastes funny so most people get soda or iced tea at the caf. When you add it up, by quitting the diet Dew you've cut almost 500 mg of sodium out of your diet!
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