Trouble Losing Weight

I have started dieting for 3 weeks now, & work out 4 times a week for a hour, & have been eating healthy, no sweets, no junk food. I have kept my daily calorie intake to only about 1200 or less, and I have only lost 1 lb. I do have hypothryoidism, which effects your metabolism and makes it more difficult to lose weight, which I am taking meds for. But my question is, what do I need to do to lose more weight, as I think I am doing everything I need to do to lose more weight than 1 lb after 3 weeks, or is that a normal amount to lose after 3 weeks. New to dieting so maybe I am just being impaitent.


  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Are you eating the cals you burn during excercse? If you don't you are not eating the 1200 but maybe 1000 (if you burned 200 at the gym). I had that problem for awhile and I upped my cals to 1500 and I try everyday to burn 300 so I am at 1200 to lose weight because I just couldn't eat more than that.
  • lanesa
    Eating your exercise calories is so important. It is also difficult to do (at least for me), especially working out the way you say you are. Try eating at least a portion of those extra exercise calories and see if that helps. BEST OF LUCK!!!
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    Start weight training if you're not already. You will continue to burn calories long after your workout is done. If you already are weight training then add some more weight to challenge yourself.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    You may need to speak to your doctor about your meds - it might be a side-effect that you are up against. Other than that - yes you need to work on eating your spent calories to maintain your minimal calories that you are to eat. Keep at it!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Make sure you're eating at least 1200 calories a day, because that is what a woman's body needs to function! Also, I've found that calculating the calories I should be eating at has helped. When MFP set mine too low, I gained weight. Once I upped my calories, I started losing and am now down 22 lbs. since November!

    Good luck!