New to the site....

Hi everyone!! :flowerforyou:

I'm new to this site but not new to trying to lost weight :frown:
I'd love to lose 3st and I'm kick starting my weightloss with a month of slim fast and then I will move on to calorie counting. My first weigh in (last saturday) showed a loss of 5lb which was great and I've been trying to keep the momentum going this week too.

I'm a mum to 2 beautiful little girls (5 and 3yrs) and I'm also a child minder so I'm pretty much on the go all the time and food tends to be of the grab and go variety! And I'm a really big picker of the childrens left overs :blushing: so even more weight going on there!

I look forward to reading other peoples stories and finding some motivation to keep going!

Thanks for reading :bigsmile:


  • anesthesiaaa
    anesthesiaaa Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, please feel free to add me:-)
  • DianaGroe
    DianaGroe Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm fairly new to the site too. I'm a firm believer in setting goals and being accountable to record my progress seems to help. So far, I'm down 9 pounds, but it's been all uphill. I take prednisone for a lung condition which, in addition to making me hungry as a shark, slows my metabolism. However, if I do nothing, things will only get worse.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • Hi there, Im also newish to the site. I have tried everything to loose weight, sometimes I get really motivated but like other people have mentioned end it in a binge eating session! A problem I have at the moment is that I have recently started a desk job..and well....its obviously All I want to do it eat. So the new diet starts today and im hoping this one will stick!
  • Hello there :)
    I'm new here too, started last Sunday, and I also believe that it's easier to keep going when you have other people to keep you motivated and for you to motivate too! So, feel free to add me!