Need some serious motivation!

Hi guys!
Well Im a size 12 girl trapped in a size 22 body! I'm hopeless for the motivation, but looking at some of the success stories on this would certainly give me the kick up the *kitten* I need!
Hopefully, Ill have my own story up there too!

A bit of background on me:
I'm a total comfort eater!
I've 2 kids and I mind another 2 Monday to Friday on top of working part time in a local taxi company
I've loads of animals

How Im not a skinny minny is beyond me, but there you go!

Fell free to say hi or drop me a message!

Audrey xxxx


  • anesthesiaaa
    anesthesiaaa Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm Vendula, please feel free to add me:-)

    I'm looking for frineds to stay motivated...
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Wow, you are busy! Just keep logging that food. Going to be tough with having to feed kids all the time. And they are always hungry. At least I think I remember it being that way! My kids are 18 and 16. They kinda eat what they want nowadays. I just keep snacks in the house I know I won't eat (usually). And they are pretty supportive of me choosing to be more healthy.

    Love MFP. Didn't know if I was of the mindset to lose weight, but a friend told me about it and so I joined (hey its free!). I only have to log my food honestly. That's the only commitment I have made and its working! Makes me think about my choices and even motivates me to move more! Who woulda thought that! Hoping to be under 200 by March so gardening will be fun and not torturous!
