Hello from me to you

Found th emessage boards so thought I'd say hi etc.
I've been trying to work with the android app on here for a few weeks now and although I havent got it all totally accurate it's keeping me focused on what I eat.
I dont have any scales but I reckon I am around 220Lbs I'm a big guy, 6'4" though.
I have been heavier in th epast, much heavier, but the last few years I discovered cycling big time. I've lost a heck of a lot of weight doing that. I rode across the united states this summer from The pacific in oregon to the atlantic in virginia in 82 days and lost 24Lbs...not bad given that I ate ice cream and jelly beans and all kinds of junk food along the way!
But now I am back in th euk I cant ride as much so i have started to work with the app to stop myself bloating out again this winter.

It's a bit weird..but I seem to eat more when I dont ride, than when I do...anyway...thats me...

Waves hello :):smile: