No knee workout

I havr been having bad knee pain for the past couple days so I made an appointment with an orthapedist, but I am wondering what I can do that doesn't require my legs but more specificaly my knees between now and Wednesday when I go to the Dr to see what is wrong?


  • BigdaddyJ
    I've had an ACL replacement 5 years ago so I know ALL abour knee pain...

    AVOID RUNNING!! (I dont think I need to tell you that lol)

    The bike and elleptical worked for me, walking to..whatever you do, you should stop when you start feeling pain, at least until you see your doctor...
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    After I had knee surgery I used the bike to rehabilitate it, as its the lowest impact. So therefore, I recommend! I pray that your knee will heal and you dont have to have surgery!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I've had an ACL replacement 5 years ago so I know ALL abour knee pain...

    AVOISD RUNNING!! (I dont think I need to tell you that lol)

    The bike and elleptical worked for me, walking to..whatever you do, you should stop when you start feeling pain, at least until you see your doctor...

    I tried the elliptical when I first started feeling the pain and woke up the next day with it worse
  • pktbundy
    pktbundy Posts: 21 Member
    Cross train, cross train, cross train.

    I have had ACL reconstruction & meniscus repair in my left
    MCL/PCL reconstruction in my other (ACL is still torn in right knee)

    I weigh 225lbs and started running, biking and swimming last summer (I started around 240lbs). It was shear torture when I began. By rotating my activities I seem to have kept my knee pain to a minimum. I also started taking Glucosamine supplements (cartilege health) recently but mostly as insurance. Can't really tell if it helps. Anytime I felt stiffness or achy knees I just switched activities then. I also did the elliptical for a while but wanted greater cardio intensity.

    I have slowly increased my activity level since last summer. I am taking 2-3 spin classes a week this winter(1 hr each), and I have taken several 90 min spin classes without problem. Treadmilling running feels much lower impact on the knees than outdoors on pavement.

    I think swimming is the best thing overall for knee pain. You can isolate leg workouts by using a kickboards or just putting hands together. Swimming is a slower road to lose weight but it is also a great core workout.

  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Before and after knee surgery I used bike and swimming too. If you can't do this just work on upper body stuff like situps and using milk jugs for upper arms or such.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Swimming with a bouy (hold it between your legs so they don't sink and drag on you) would be your best bet. If your pool or community center doesn't have any for use, they are not all that exspensive to purchase. Get that and a well fit pair of goggles and you'll find a great workout. Even if you think you are in shape from some other exercise, swimming will put the hurt on you initially. It stems from being able to breath as much as you want to breath when your stroke allows (normal convention is when your face is OUT of the water but I'm not sure why:huh: ). Plus your arm/shoulder/back muscles aren't used to that type of sustained effort. Good luck with your knee. Hopefully it will be something minor, and RICE will fix it.
  • BigdaddyJ
    Yeah I did lot of swimming too!! It's really good!

    For the elleptical, like I said, if it hurts avoid it until you see a doctor..there's also a machine I used to to right after my surgery, they had it at the base where I was at the time but i've never seen it's a machine where you pedal with your hans instead of your legs...
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    The one that looks like a bike for your arms right? I hated the way that made my shoulders feel (many messed up ankles) so I always went back to the pool. Dr. told me once though to just scale back and if it didn't hurt it was OK to do. Again, good luck.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I have been walking around my office and it deosn't hurt to walk just when bend to sit down for the most part. I might try walking and see how that works for me because I don't have a pool handy and the weather is not the best for biking

    Thank you all for the ideas please keep them coming