Yelled at before Thanksgiving dinner? (ranty post)



  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Go downstairs and simply ask if there is anything you can do and then greet her family and be yourself. She is actually feeling a little left out because you have taken control. If someone asks, "is that all you are eating, just respond I am fine thanks." compliment her on the meal and eat what you have planned. Breathe. Happy Thanksgiving.
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    It's easy to talk alot about something that you're passionate about. Perhaps you've talked about it more than you think or realize. When I started caring about health I was so amazed at all the science and facts that I had never known about before and I liked to share things because I thought it was just so cool. The friends that I spent alot of time with got annoyed after a while tho, always hearing about calories or good and bad ingredients and so on. I can totally understand this, if my friend was always talking about rocket science any time I tried to have a conversation with them I'd probably get annoyed too after a while...

    Though I don't think Thanksgiving was the best time to let it all out. =)
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    This is what happens when people don't communicate their feelings. They bottle it up, resentment builds then stuff will come toward you sideways. It's not your fault if your friend didn't want to hear about your diet/exercise as you've been moving along the path. You can't read her mind.

    Breathe. You are a guest so go downstairs and put what happened aside for the time being. When an appropriate opportunity presents itself hopefully you two can have an adult conversation about what happened and figure out how to move forward.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Um newsflash honey, but everyone cares about comments made about weight.. wether you think they do or not.

    Best thing to do is go down stairs and apologize for being a self centered.. and then eat dinner like normal.

    You know your friend is not as into dieting as you are... so what did you think shoving it in her face everyday was going to do? Make her want to be? No, it's going to alienate her.. and I'm glad she finally told you how she really feels. Now you'll know to keep your mouth shut unless asked.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You go down stairs and you share the part of your feelings with her that you need to and leave the rest. You apologize to her if your words/actions have offended her and tell her that your intent was to share this with her, not hurt her. You say that you understand that weight and lifestyle are personal and sometimes when we're in the middle of it we forget that not everyone is excited about it as we are.

    You must understand that as we make changes in our lives and discuss them with our friends and loved ones it high lights their struggles for them. I think my husband went through a period of time where he even considered I may leave him (ridiculous notion). It's like tAlking about work at home, they want to hear the highlights but the details are not only uninteresting to anyone but you, they can become annoying when jammed down your throat. Not everyone is excited for you as you are for yourself. So pick yourself up, pit in your big girl panties, and go have some fun, damn it!
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    My opinion only.

    Go downstairs with your head high. Pull her aside and tell her what you just told us, about not having any idea. Apologize for the past comments, and forgive her for yelling at you. She probably feels just as bad as you do.

    Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, not hold grudges. Forgiveness doesn't need an apology to be offered, nor does it require an apology after being offered.

    God forgives us for all of our indiscretions and sins, the least we can do is extend His grace and forgive someone for yelling. Enjoy Thanksgiving. Who knows, after you have your talk with her, you two might bond in a way you never thought imaginable.
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    If it was me, no matter how I truely felt, to remove awkwardness from the situation I would go and give my friend a hug, tell her that I am sorry for being all in her face about it, and that unless she wants to talk about it again, that you wont raise it. Say that you're really looking forward to pigging out at dinner with all the yummy food you have prepared together and there'll not be another word from you about food/diet etc unless she wants to talk about it.

    Then suck it up and get on with the night.

    As the previous poster said, you are their guest so it would be rude not to joint them for dinner!

    This! And breathe. :O)

    I agree definitely this.


    I agree too.

    It's a really tough situation to be around overweight friends if you're losing or trying to and they aren't. The last thing you want to do is offend them. If they are close friends, you want them to be happy for you. Of course, having been overweight, you also realize how hard it is to be in their shoes. Sometimes the tension is there even without saying a word. If you you go out and share a meal and you eat a fraction of what they do in trying to follow your plan, you can worry about sending an unwanted message just by what is on your plate.

    It sounds to me like tensions have been building up for some time and exploded at the bigest food event of the year. It also sounds like she may be pretty frustrated with herself. Hopefully by now you've gone down to have dinner, and maybe a little later find some time for a heart to heart talk about it.

    Good luck!!! Hopefully given a little time and conversation you'll end up even better friends than before.