Do you wear your BodyMedia when you sleep?

I just got a BodyMedia. Love it so far, but not sure if I see the benefit in sleeping in it. Thoughts?


  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Tracking sleep quality is important to me, so yes... I wear it when I sleep. Also, wearing it during sleep creates a more accurate calorie burn total.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks! I'm not really worried about my sleep, but I didn't really think about calorie burn while sleeping! I guess I will just leave it on!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I only take mine off to shower and to upload data to my laptop! Love watching my sleeping patterns. :)
  • Hi SameMe,

    Glad you’re loving your BodyMedia FIT Armband. Good sleep can help suppress your appetite and maintain your energy, which is critical to weight loss. Learning more about your sleep patterns can help you create a more effective sleep schedule for better results.

    Hope this helps! Keep us posted on your progress!

    - Laurie