Is it possible to lose 10kg in 6 weeks?

I have an upcoming interstate trip and want to lose a bit more weight before I go, as my cousins and aunt are all ridiculously thin and gorgeous and I don't want to feel like the obese whale next to them. I currently weigh 75kg and would like to get into the 60's, preferably around 65 before I go. I leave right after New Years but am curious to know if it is possible to lose that much weight healthily in a six week period? I wont be doing pills or anything, just healthy eating and exercise.


  • It is possible but would be very hard going.

    10Kg is the equivalent of 70,090 calories.

    6 weeks is 42 days therefore your calorie deficit would need to be 1,835 per day

    I have assumed your age at approx 20 and height at 165cm and therefore your BMR (Basal Metorbolic Rate) would be approx 1,578 calories. This is the amount of calories that your body burns just to function i.e. heart beating, breathing etc.

    What all this means is that if you consume say 1,200 calories per day then the deficit is only 378. Therefore to achieve the required deficit you would need to burn 1,457 calories by exercise etc.

    150 minutes of cycling per day would achieve this. But that would be a big ask. (Approx 657cal per hour)

    Hope this isnt too confusing

    and good luck and I hope you enjoy your trip
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    Lovely, thank you.

    I am 25 by the way, not 20 but thanks for the boost haha