Slap across the face....



  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.. I took a look at some measurements that I did back in April and it is exactly the same as i am now. I "started" in January and in total have lost only about 12 lbs. It really makes you feel deflated.

    But you know what? Slow and steady wins the race, I guess. And I didn't quit..I'm still trekking forward. I kinda took summer "off", so I need to eliminate those months from the equation.

    The only time you fail, is when you quit completely. Keep going.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    While outside support is nice and can give you incentive to do what you need to do, and good advice, when it comes down to it, only you can do what needs to be done.

    Ask yourself why you keep breaking your promise to yourself and work on that answer, it might be the breakthrough you need.
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    Hey you can add me as friends. I have an open diary and you can see that I have had ups and down. My weight loss is very slow, I lost just 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I think that you should see this as a scheme to develop an healthy eating habit with no food dependency. Don't look at how fast you loose, look at how much better you feel if you eat healthy. I am confident the weight will also drop as side effect.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Weight loss is a one man show. You have to find your own strategies and your own motivation. People can cheer you on, and this site is great for that. But it is you who makes the decision to eat, to exercise, to sleep, and to generally take care of the only body you will ever have.

    You can do this. If you have a weak moment, you've just joined the human race. Start again. Right now, not tomorrow.

    And i heard this quote from a mfp friend. "you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great."

    Begin now and stay at it. Success is achieved by learning from any setbacks you may have and not giving up. And you said you you were looking back to a year from now. In another year you will want to be satisfied with where you are now. That is from a quote too. I don't remember exactly how it goes. But you can do it. Make small goals like others suggested. I started posting my goals on my wall or on my blog on this site in the morning and then check in at night with how i did. Tha's been helping me!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Sorry if this sounds a little harsh - but it got me out of the "I just can"t do this" and still (five years later and 51 lbs less) gets met to go and work out or not eat the chips....

    Have you ever told yourself:

    “I’m an idiot. I ate like total crap today.”

    “Why am I so lazy? Why did I skip my workout this morning?”

    “I have no willpower, because I couldn’t stop myself from eating those M&M’s.”

    Every day, people trying to get healthy have tiny moments of weakness, and absolutely berate themselves for being “bad.” Then, they allow that one fleeting moment to absolutely derail any success they’ve had by making additional bad decisions because “it’s too late at this point.”

    I’m going to teach you a little trick today to instantly stop this behavior and allow you to continue down your path towards a leveled up life.

    It’s called the “Get the **** over it” rule, and it’s sweeping the nation.
    If you are working to improve your life, you WILL hit speed bumps along the way.

    We are all works in progress, which means that we will all make mistakes. Want to know the path to progress? Setting priorities, learning from our failures, and taking action…not self-sabotage, guilt-trips, and getting down on ourselves.

    So let’s put the “get the **** over it” plan into action! Let’s take a look at those previous examples:

    “I’m an idiot. I ate like total crap today.” Get the **** over it! Eat f***ing phenomenally tomorrow. Deal? Deal.
    “Why am I so lazy? Why did I skip my workout this morning?” Get the **** over it! Go outside right now, run a mile and then do 30 push ups. Like, right now.
    “I have no willpower, because I couldn’t stop myself from eating those M&M’s.” Get **** over it! Throw the M&M’s away so you’re not tempted anymore, and move on.

    Here’s the truth: One bad meal, one missed workout, or one day of overeating cannot undo weeks of hard work. It’s physically impossible – your stomach would explode before you got to that point. However, that one bad meal or one missed workout can mentally undo weeks of hard work, if you LET IT.

    When you eat poorly for a day or two (probably loading up with carbs and sodium), you can step on the scale MUCH heavier than before…but it’s temporary. You might see a number on that scale that can absolutely demolish you if you let it. However, if follow up that one meal with a few days of clean eating, you can get right back on track.

    It isn’t this mistake that matters…It’s the next one.

    When you skip one workout, the next workout quickly becomes the most important workout of your life. One missed day becomes two days, which can become a week, which can VERY easily become a month. So never miss a workout two days in a row. No excuses. You have enough time – make it a priority.

    Here’s another gem for the day…
    Just fix it
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    You want to get healthy "more than anything"??? That would mean you want it more than eating garbage or extra helpings or being lazy or disliking exercise or making excuses for an entire year.
    I was going through my old blog posts. Some dating back to Jan. 2011. I could be way past my goal weight. I even found a blog post from Jan. 3, 2012 where I set goals to lose 30 lbs. Seeing how I aint really lost nothing that really hits me hard. Its a hard slap across the face. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I feel like I'm the only one that has failed this many times.

    I want to get healthy more than anything. But can't seem to find out why I keep letting myself fall. I really think I have reach my breaking point!!!! I need some support buddies that will be there to keep my on track...Kick in my butt when I dont do good!
  • pandra98
    I know how you feel. I sometimes feel like i am on this rollercoaster ride all alone. My hubby tries to help but he doesn't need to lose pounds like me. He doesn't understand when I lose even1 pound how big a deal it is to me. I need motivators in my support system.
  • sheri555
    I really do know where you're at. You are not alone in this boat. I've done the same thing to myself time and again over the years. It is as simple (and as hard) as just doing it. Every time I see some absolutely delicious looking thing that just I want to eat, I have a little mantra that I repeat to myself over and over in my head. It is just as hard to to be fat as it is to diet and exercise. So basically you have to choose which hard path you want to walk. I am a housewife and I tend to want to just nibble at things throughout the day because I'm bored. Everytime I open the fridge I ask myself, am I really hungry, or am I just looking for something to do? It's amazing how often (like 99% of the time) I am just looking for something to do. I've been doing FitnessPal for like 4 or 5 months now, and I am down 40lbs. I have had ups and downs. My husband struggles with an eating disorder, and over the years I have adopted some of his bad habits. There have been times when he comes home for the weekend and he's just pigging out on pizza's and sweets, and I struggle to stay on the right path. You have to get your mind right, you have to decide what you want and then you have to do it. It isn't easy. This is life, there are times when it will be harder. The years are going to keep ticking by, so the time to do something is now.
  • Kathe2
    Kathe2 Posts: 31 Member
    Weigh your food.
    Drink your water.
    Before you know it you will see results.
  • bodyrockerksu
    Awww :( Don't feel so bad, we all been or (some) are still there. Just start AGAIN, and again and again. Start eating healthy and exercising. BODYROCK.TV is a great site, they do high intensity interval workout, only 12min long and it does wonders. And before you eat anything, just think "Do I really need this?" or "Could I substitute this for something else, maybe something more healthy?" I just found this site and am very excited to track my eating habits and exercise. I haven't don't anything to lose weight in a long while. Get excited again! Don't just look at your failed attmepts, focus on the possitive as well! TRY AGAIN!!! Good luck ;) xoxo Ps. YOU CAN DO IT!!! you just have to try!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • laurajean120
    laurajean120 Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me . im always looking for new friends.