Fear of gaining weight.

Not sure if this is the appropriate area to post this topic, but could really use some advice from anyone who may have had similar experiences. I have lost 115 lbs in a little over a year. I am 34 yo, 6'1 and went from 305 lbs to 190 lbs. I now have an irrational fear of gaining the weight back. I eat anywhere between 800 to 1100 calories per day and work out twice a day with 2 HIIT Cardio sessions and 1 weight training session where I burn between 1000-1400 calories per day. I have lost a little lean muscle mass because of this as expected but would like to regain that mass to properly reshape my body; but as I said, I am afraid I will gain weight. Even though my family and friends all think I am to skinny and need to eat some Twinkies, I still think I have more weight to lose. I have some loose skin from the weight loss and can't tell if it's actually fat or just loose skin. What I would like to know is if anyone out there has had a similar problem and what advice they can give to help me get over it.


  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    workout man, do some resistance training... I LOVE FOOD bro and honestly idont even like having bigger than average muscles... but since i like to eat id rather turn those calories into muscle than into fat! just slowly increase calories and they will go to the right places and ur metabolism will heal itself just gradually eat more and lift weights.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Not sure if this is the appropriate area to post this topic, but could really use some advice from anyone who may have had similar experiences. I have lost 115 lbs in a little over a year. I am 34 yo, 6'1 and went from 305 lbs to 190 lbs. I now have an irrational fear of gaining the weight back. I eat anywhere between 800 to 1100 calories per day and work out twice a day with 2 HIIT Cardio sessions and 1 weight training session where I burn between 1000-1400 calories per day. I have lost a little lean muscle mass because of this as expected but would like to regain that mass to properly reshape my body; but as I said, I am afraid I will gain weight. Even though my family and friends all think I am to skinny and need to eat some Twinkies, I still think I have more weight to lose. I have some loose skin from the weight loss and can't tell if it's actually fat or just loose skin. What I would like to know is if anyone out there has had a similar problem and what advice they can give to help me get over it.

    If you have an irrational fear of gaining and severely under eating as you are, you made need to seek a professional's help
  • Hmm..well, when I suffered from an eating disorder I saw a therapist until I was convinced that I had a problem and then I worked to fix it. You're starving yourself and have to WANT to change the behavior--then you change it. It will be uncomfortable but you can if you truly want to improve your relationship with food as well as your health and physique. Best of luck.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    If you have an irrational fear of gaining and severely under eating as you are, you made need to seek a professional's help

    This. There's no shame in getting help when you need it.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    If your working out that much, you can eat more than your are. You are starving yourself for no reason :noway:
  • To everyone that said I need to seek professional help, thanks but not exactly what I was looking for. I know I need help!!!! Unfortunately I am in Iraq where help is just unavailable. I was simply hoping that I could get some advice before this eating disorder got out of hand. If "EAT MORE" is the only advice I am going to get, then I guess that will just have to do. Any suggestions on how to eat more....as in how much protein/carbs/fats I should be eating to maintain a healthy weight.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Do you see what you wrote here? You are burning all the calories that you eat each day. There's nothing left for your body to function properly. Calories are fuel for your body, not just for physical activity but also for all your organs to function. I understand the fear of gaining back what was lost. Just know it is possible to maintain, many people are doing so in a healthy way. Your way is not healthy.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    have a look online about maintenance of weight ........ sorry not much help here" wish i could help more
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    Up ur crabs and add in more fresh fruit and veggies. Eat grass feed meat only. Stay away from red meat. I normal eat chicken. I do skinless and boneless. Dark meat from chicken is higher in fat which I eat also. If you have hamburger cook it so fat dips off. Eat like cheese stick, yogurt healthy snack. Pick good foods ur body will like you later down the road. But I would up your calories slow. With ur work out shot for 1500 calories for awhile but make those calories count. If you don't feed ur self right u can't get to where you want. Meaning healthy weigh and building up ur body while burning the bad fat off. I hope we all can help u and good luck...
  • This is as constructive as I think you are going to get. Keep your macros to 30%C35%F35%P. Add 100 calories per week. Decrease your workouts to 1 HIIT session a day and about 2-3 heavy lifting sessions per week, at different times in the day. If you want training advice check out the lean gains site, and 5x5 programs. There are some simple truths to life, one is that you shouldn't really be eating bellow your BMR for extended periods of time. If you are a 30ish man, 6 feet tall, 180lbs, with a sedentary job (which I doubt you have seeing as you are in Iraq) your BMR is 1817 calories a day JUST TO LIVE. To gain muscle and lose fat you need about 2100 calories per day. I know you are super nervous about gaining weight, so add 100 calories a week, give your body time to build and recover, and swap the scale for a tape measure. In two months you'll be at about 1800 calories and you will be leaner and tighter than you are now. Keep working your way up till you stabilizing. You shouldn't be scared, we are here for you.

    I am better at giving good nutrition and exercise advice than following it, but that's medical professionals in general. :wink:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If you feel you still have weight to lose it's fine....but you need to lose it slowly. Eating heathy and also enough calories. Your working out so hard and not giving your body enough fuel. It's not going to do well.

    I know how you feel...My goal was 128 pounds and everyone said I was thin....but I still wanted to lose more. Now I'm at 112.8 and feel good. I eat healthy foods ( not as good today) I eat aleast 1200 and that not working out and being a women....I would say you should be eating 1500 at least and 1/2 of your workout calories. Make sure your eating enough lean meat.

    I worry about gaining back my weight....but have not gained any back. I hit my goal months ago.
  • Oh, and check out this site for figuring out calorie goals. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/#results
  • Hmm..well, when I suffered from an eating disorder I saw a therapist until I was convinced that I had a problem and then I worked to fix it. You're starving yourself and have to WANT to change the behavior--then you change it. It will be uncomfortable but you can if you truly want to improve your relationship with food as well as your health and physique. Best of luck.

    I am surprised the therapist didn't diagnose you with schizophrenia as well.

    OP:, seriously what do you want? Do you want us to tell you "it will be okay?" Do you want us to tell you "don't do it." what do you seriously expect? You either do what you have to do, or you don't. Simple as that.

    Huh? You don't even know me. Schizophrenia?? I suppose youre trying to be clever but your knowledge of mental disorders must be minimal.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Hmm..well, when I suffered from an eating disorder I saw a therapist until I was convinced that I had a problem and then I worked to fix it. You're starving yourself and have to WANT to change the behavior--then you change it. It will be uncomfortable but you can if you truly want to improve your relationship with food as well as your health and physique. Best of luck.

    I am surprised the therapist didn't diagnose you with schizophrenia as well.

    OP:, seriously what do you want? Do you want us to tell you "it will be okay?" Do you want us to tell you "don't do it." what do you seriously expect? You either do what you have to do, or you don't. Simple as that.

    Ummm, was there any need for that?

    OP, I have no advice to give but I can say I understand how you feel in regards to fear of regaining weight. When you have been obese, you never want to go back to that, and losing weight is so hard that the thought of having to do it again is scary. Big huggles, and I hope you get help soon, whatever help it may be :heart: