What do you eat for Thanksgiving - Curious Australian

cathrinboerma Posts: 22 Member
Hey there you wonderful US of A'ians, I've been seeing all the threads about thanksgiving and thought that i would ask what kind of food is served for the occasion?:drinker:
We don't have a Thanksgiving in Australia but would love to do something similar with friends as i love the concept!

Can't wait to hear all the great ideas.

Thanks in advance and Happy Thanksgiving

:flowerforyou: :drinker:


  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    Turkey with stuffing, corn, green beans, cranberry jelly or sauce, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and much more.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    typical thanksgiving food is a roasted turkey filled with "stuffing" (a mixture of bread, seasonings, and sometimes fruit or vegetables), mashed potatoes, roasted winter squash or butternut squash, baked sweet potatoes or sweet potato casserole (marshmellows and brown sugar on top), green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and a variety of pies, the most popular of which seem to be pumpkin, sweet potato, and apple...but of course that's debatable.
  • Findingmyathlete
    Findingmyathlete Posts: 57 Member
    Today the host served: ham, turkey, stuffing, gravy, navy beans, sweet potato with marsh mellows, pasta salad, green beans, corn, rolls, macaroni and cheese and potato casserole. For dessert: pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and key lime pie.
    I think whenever I think of basic thanksgiving foods - these are them (minus the navy beans and the key lime pie, that was kind of random to me).

    When I grew up my family would make: turkey, pancit, lumpia, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, salad...sometimes people would bring lasagna or a vegetarian "meat loaf".

    I say, you can make whatever you want though. It's just about good food and spending time together. And those foods (Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean (sometimes green bean casserole), corn, and mac n cheese) are for some reason the staple for Thanksgiving. I don't really know why =) But it is oh so yummy.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I spent the day with South Americans. We had salmon. I miss my canned cranberry jelly (without real cranberry chunks), served with can ridges intact so as to better cut off a serving... and I miss my Stove Top Chicken flavor stuffing... and I miss the albeit regional pie we get up in the northeast, egg custard pie. You guys can keep the other ones, because I'll eat the whole 8 serving egg custard pie all by myself (in about 24 hours, but still.)
    Other things I expect at my dream Thanksgiving:
    green bean casserole prepared according to the directions on the back of a can of French's fried onions...here's a video of how to make it: http://www.frenchs.com/recipe/frenchs-green-bean-casserole-RE1511
    mashed potatoes, rather mashed but with some chunks to prove it's not instant, and loads of butter
    gravy for the potatoes
    an appetizer bowl of olives. I'll eat all of them no matter how many you serve. Ok, I'll eat half. I do have some manners.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, stuffing, gravy and in this family homemade noodles.
    I really don't think the food matters much though as long as stay true to the concept which is to give thanks for what you do have. I think spending it with family and friends brings the focus home.

    Hope your Thanksgiving as incredible as all mine have been!!!

    Oh an crazy cranberry madness <~~~~not good any form in my opinion...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    turkey. some people do ham too
    mashed potatoes and gravy
    dinner rolls
    vegetables- a lot of families do green bean casserole. my family does broccoli with cheese sauce instead
    some type of squash or sweet potato dish or both- my family does candied yams
    pie- pumpin is most common. we had chocolate cream pie and cheesecake
    various other side dishes and casseroles. mac&cheese is common
  • dyingstars
    dyingstars Posts: 11 Member
    What I observed was: Turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, green bean casserole, cornbread muffins, rolls, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, key lime pie, apple pie, cherry pie, and if you count beverages - red wine.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    The most traditional Thanksgiving always has:

    Roasted turkey
    Mashed potatoes
    Cranberry Sauce
    Dressing (this just means on the side instead of cooked in the bird)
    Green beans (we cook ours with bacon and tomatoes)
    Pumpkin Pie

    We also make:

    Slow roasted tomatoes for smearing on bread
    Onion dip (greek yogurt caramelized onions seasoning)
    Candied Yams
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    My family's traditional Thanksgiving dinner was/is:

    Turkey (roasted or fried)
    Cornbread dressing (we didn't stuff our turkey)
    Baked mac and cheese
    Mirlitons (Creole dish-made with shrimp and Chayota squash)
    Oyster dressing
    Green bean casserole
    Sweet potatoes
    Cranberry sauce and gravy (use one or both on your turkey)
    Pumpkin pie and Pecan pie
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    We had a fairly simple Thanksgiving this year. We smoked a turkey, dressing/stuffing, I don't cook mine in the turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, brown & serve dinner roles, & pumpkin pie. I use sage sausage in my stuffing which I guess is kind of unusual, but everyone in my family loves it. Really all that matters is being surrounded by good friends, family, & comfort food & being thankful for all the wonderful things & people in your life. =)
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    yesterday at a friends house we had: Oven roasted Turkey, homemade beans, corn, homemade mashed potatoes, rolls, and chocolate cream pie. In the past at grandmas, she had made mac n cheese, gravy, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I like a traditional Thanksgiving, but there are 2 things I hate that other's think are traditional. Sweet potato anything and green bean casserole. I just don't like sweet potatoes and the green bean casserole is made with canned soup. Yuck.

    I like turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dinner rolls, dressing, wild rice and a large pattern of roasted vegetables (brussel sprouts, yellow beets, carrots.) I make every thing from scratch. No instant gravy or store bought rolls. Yeah it's a lot of work, but I love treating my family to good food.
  • stbrad6896
    I like a traditional Thanksgiving, but there are 2 things I hate that other's think are traditional. Sweet potato anything and green bean casserole. I just don't like sweet potatoes and the green bean casserole is made with canned soup. Yuck.

    I made green bean casserole with homemade mushroom sauce, fresh green beans and lightly fried onions (fried myself). It's delicious and nothing canned...
  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    I don't make many of the "classics," and most of my guests seem to think I'm trying to serve them soylent green.

    Grilled turkey breast, steamed green beans, rice pasta with cheese, baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon sprinkle, and grilled portabello caps.
  • tinlee
    tinlee Posts: 60 Member
    roast beef
    yorkshire pudding
    mashed potatoes
    green bean casserole
    roast carrots
    apple tart

    Not everyone serves turkey! It's a carb heavy meal which makes it so good and so bad.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    thanksgiving would always turn into a passive aggressive competition between my mom and her sisters, so they'd always have to outdo each other.

    the craziest thanksgiving we had:
    turkey & stuffing, cornish hens, brisket, ham, rack of lamb and ribs
    green beans, greens, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, potato salad, mac n cheese, beet salad
    pound cake, red velvet cake, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, peach cobbler


    there was other stuff too, but that was all the stuff i ate that thanksgiving, because of course once i had something 1 aunt would make another would run and be like "oh baby have you tried my ....?" and sit and watch me eat it.

    i remember we kids were pretty excited about all the food at first but we ended up hating being hounded to prove to someone that we didnt think her potato salad was horrible because we didnt have seconds
    SUSANSIZZY Posts: 16 Member
    Roast Turkey stuffed with bread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravey, yams, corn, green bean casserole or brussel sprouts, squash, cranberry sauce, hot rolls or fresh bread, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie, and of course the most important thing is plenty of family and friends. This is to celebrate the feast that the Indians and Pilgrims shared together in America.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    Our menu looked like this (and is not necessarily traditional):

    Apple cider brined turkey, maple bourbon glaze
    Mashed potatoes
    Collard greens with apple cider vinegar gastrique
    Cornbread and andouille sausage dressing
    Green beans amandine
    Pumpkin cheesecake

    Last year, instead of mashed potatoes, I did sweet potato hash and added a caesar salad and parker house rolls (bigger crowd), but everything else was the same.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    My menu this thanksgiving:

    Spicy Cranberry Relish Cream Cheese dip
    Cranberry Baked Brie

    Whole Smoked Turkey
    Whole Roasted Turkey
    Mashed Potatoes
    Sweet Potato Casserole
    Green Bean Casserole
    7-up biscuits

    Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes
    Apple Fritter Cake
    Pecan Pie
    Red Velvet Cheesecake (birthday!)

    I feel bloated just typing out the menu. lol
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Everything thing you can think of to cook or bake!

    We had turkey, ham, bread stuffing, homemade egg noodles, brown sugar baked beans, baked mac and cheese, cranberry sauce, cucumber salad, deviled eggs, mash potatoes and gravy, cottage cheese, crescent rolls with honey butter, a relish tray with black & green olives and baby dill pickles, green bean casserole.
    Then for desserts we had pumpkin pie, dutch apple pie, pecan pie, zuccini bread, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cheesecake, white chocolate chip macademia nut brownies, chocolate mint and pecan brownies.

    Yep its a day of feasting until you fall into a food coma and then you watch football on the couch and try not to snore lmao! I think that about sums it up