Anybody younger on here?

Heyy guys! I'm looking for friends close to my age, I'm 18 years old. However I will accept anyone. I lost 80 pounds prior to college started and sadly I gained the freshman 15, pretty fast too! I'm ready to lose it though. I;m a really good support system, as well as I would hope you can be for me. I'd love for you guys to add me and tell me your story, success and times you wish you could change; plus what motivated you to start creating a healthier lifestyle. Please, PLEASE don't be afraid to ask questions or add me.


  • bump
  • Hoonooria
    Hoonooria Posts: 28 Member
    I' recently turned 20 :) I don't know if that's too old haha :D I started college last year and gained about 15 too... trying to lose it :)
  • Hi there! I'm 19 and just signed up today. I've always been a little on the larger side, but I've only just hit the point, as I have started to gain significant amounts that i can no longer put down to "puppy fat", where I'm putting my foot down and saying "enough is enough".

    Best of luck, hope to talk soon!
  • Beth24793
    Beth24793 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi i'm 19 and im looking to loose around 15 pounds, feel free to add me :)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    im an oldie at 24
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    not any more
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I'm 21 and on pretty much every day! Feel free to add me! =]
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Hello! I send you friend req. I'm 21... is that too old? D:

    Been doing fitness and good eating for like a year. Lost around 35 pounds so far. Looking to lose a few more and then work on building muscle and get fit. I started mainly for looks at first but I also felt tired and weak and wanted to have more energy, as well as be healthy and live longer. Something just clicked in my brain. Better start now than when I'm 30, sooner you start in better shape you get and longer you live. ^^ Unlike at start now I even enjoy working out only with eating it's harder so I joined this website a few weeks ago to get that in order. ^^
  • Im 17 :D
  • hmmm well not so young now, I'm 33 but 16 years old at heart, lol
  • PanaMericann
    PanaMericann Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 17 :)