Genuinely stuck and need solid advice, please.

To cut a long story short.. I have 80lbs to lose, and none of those are vanity pounds, I just am 80lbs overweight and obese. I chose to do it the healthy way & count calories and exercise, and to forget about any faddy diets promising fast results, cause I've yoyo-ed with my weight too many times before and I want to lose this weight but most importantly for it to STAY off.

I started counting calories Monday just gone, and stuck to 1250 a day. I did exercise on the Monday, a jillian michaels body revolution DVD for 30 minutes and burned 346 calories (tracked with a polar HRM, but didn't exercise on the Tuesday or Wednesday..

Well yesterday morning I decided to pop on the scales and see how I was doing, and figured that with 80lbs to lose it should come off fairly quickly.. I hadn't lost anything. Not even a fraction of a pound and actually felt more bloated and heavy.

That ended up disheartening me & I gave up and ate rubbish yesterday evening.

I just feel like I must be doing something wrong? I've cut out starchy carbs like bread, pasta and rice for a while, and also potatoes. The foods I consume within my calorie limit are:

Sugar free low cal squash
Skimmed milk
Grilled lean chicken breast
Philidelphia light garlic & herb
Birds eye frozen steamed mixed veggies
Muller lights
Weetabix oaty bars
Baked crisps
Bernard Matthews wafer thin ham
Low low cheese
Cereals - weetabix, Cheerios, shredded wheat
Options 40 cal hot chocolates

What am I doing wrong?


  • leska1216
    Not eating enough.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    where is the fruit and veg on that list?!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think cutting out all the food you like is a mistake. Some people do it that way but personally I find that I'm less likely to give up if I don't go super hardcore all at once. Also if you open your diary we can help you more.

    But mainly I just want to tell you to be patient. I know it's hard, especially when you feel like you 're working so hard at it, but this is going to take some time. Change small things that you can stick with forever, and see this as a permanent change you're making. If you can't see yourself never eating bread again, then don't cut it out because you'll just feel deprived. Instead try eating smaller portions and then start to swap out healthier foods. I switched from white bread and pasta to whole wheat and mostly from white potatoes to sweet potatoes (but I still have the white ones as a treat sometimes)-- these changes don't feel so drastic and make it easier not to fall off the wagon.

    If not seeing a change on the scale is going to make you give up then put the scale away at first and use a measuring tape to track your progress. Just get on the scale every two weeks, or every month. Pay attention to the way your clothes fit. Try to set reasonable expectations. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    where is the fruit and veg on that list?!

    She's got squash and mixed veggies on there.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    it takes time to lose weight have PATIENCE!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    In only 3 days, you can't expect to lose a lot of weight. You need to have a little more patience, girl :flowerforyou: Keep up the routine that you do now, maybe eat a litle bit more, drink gallons of water a day to flush out toxins and fat, and don't give up because you haven't lost a lot of weight yet. If you stick to the plan, maybe two or three weeks, then you'll see why you need to hold on...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    She's got squash and mixed veggies on there.

    the squash is juice you mix with water to drink.... i dont think that counts!

    i'm not saying i am perfect with getting my 5 portions a day, but i try.
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member

    She's got squash and mixed veggies on there.

    the squash is juice you mix with water to drink.... i dont think that counts!

    i'm not saying i am perfect with getting my 5 portions a day, but i try.

    For some people, squash is a sort of pumpkin (although i don't think that wat the OP meant here...)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    2 days
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    With the 30 day shred I lost ZERO for the first two weeks. Have some patience, give it a month and then look at your results. Measurements too.
  • finding_sammi
    i've got about same to lose as you but mfp gives me 1870 cals daily so dont understand why your allowance is so low?? Maybe I'm missing something... :/
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    Honestly, it has been less than five days? That's nothing. If you're willing to give up that quickly you'll never succeed. Everyone says it, it's not about diet, it's about forming healthy eating habits for life. If you cannot keep it up in the long run you really will find that you end up 'yo-yo' dieting.

    There are a lot of reasons you didn't see the scale change. If you're starting a new fitness regime you will probably be holding more water in your muscles. It could be hormonal. It could be the need for a bowel movement. It could be so many things, but most of all, a few days is not enough time to see real results. Even a few weeks could be too soon to judge, even with a lot of weight to lose! The best thing is to ignore the scale as it's never an excellent way to measure progress anyway.

    The best kind of progress to measure is the ones you can really rely on. Making healthy choices is progress you can measure and a positive thing to remember. Fitness level too. Try not to make it just about weight loss.

    Like I said at the beginning, if you aren't happy with the changes and find it hard then you will not succeed. I didn't want to put you off but be honest with you. If I could give you some advice I would say, for a little while, ignore the scale and have a much smaller deficit. Don't even think about losing weight just yet. Instead focus on forming some healthy habits you can stick to. It takes a long time to pick up healthy habits and it's unlikely you'll be able to do it all at once. Find problems in your current lifestyle and try to change them, bit by bit, until they become normal, but do it one at a time. That will then give you a really good foundation for weight loss that you'll easily be able to maintain.

    And one bad day doesn't have to derail your efforts. Everyone has bad days. Just jump back into it, try to eat better, and get some exercise.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    Not eating enough.


    To the OP: The scale fluctuates. This morning I was 0.8 kg (that's 2 lb) heavier than I was yesterday morning - I did not go over my calorie goal by very much yesterday and anyways, it takes 3500 calories to make one lb of fat. I DEFINITELY didn't go over my calorie goal by that much! So obviously it's not weight I've gained. It's just weight I'm carrying.

    Do you have sore muscles from the workout? If yes, you're probably retaining water. It will come off in one big drop in a day or two. Where are you in your menstrual cycle? the females often put on (again, mostly water) weight at certain points of the cycle - when and how much varies per person. For me it's about 2 lb about a week before; that then stays the same for 1,5 weeks. Then drops a LOT in one go.

    One tip I would like to give you: if you want to stick with the calorie counting, make sure you're not hungry. It can be done with staying at a fairly low goal. You can eat almost endless amount of carrots instead of chips. Or cucumber sticks with pepper and salt (no dip!). You CAN have a physically full stomach and still be under your calorie goals; you just have to figure out which foods to eat and which not. chicken, fish, tomatoes, beans, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cottage cheese and the like are your friends! On the other hand, cereal, bread, potatoes and rice you should be careful about. While they're healthy, and full of "the good stuff" you should watch the quantities of nuts and fruit. They're high in fats and sugar respectively. On the otehr hand, steak is good for you! particularly tenderloin, which has almost no fat and is pure protein. Just imagine: grilled tenderloin with green beans, cauliflower and broccoli: low cal and yum!
  • Donnarose82
    It took time for you to gain this weight it's going to take time and patience for it to come off.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not eating enough.

    So, she has not lost weight since Monday as she has not eaten enough? That makes absolutely no sense.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    While you should be eating a decent amount of nutritiously dense food for health reasons, what you are eating is not an issue for weight loss.

    Weight loss is not linear - it is masked by water weight fluctuations that can be caused by a bunch of things including monthly cycles, change in macro mix and water retention in muscles due to exercise (very likely in your case).

    Weigh yourself no more than once a week but look at the longer term trend.

    Also, make sure you accurately weigh, measure and log all your food.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Even with a lot of weight to lose you have to give it more than 3 days to see results. 2 weeks to a month you should see some inches lost or scale weight. Just keep doing what you had been doing.
  • lozzieemay

    She's got squash and mixed veggies on there.

    the squash is juice you mix with water to drink.... i dont think that counts!

    i'm not saying i am perfect with getting my 5 portions a day, but i try.

    I don't like fruit or vegetables, not for lack of trying either as I've force fed myself them previously but just can't seem to get myself to like them.

    I do eat some fruit which I forgot to add to the list - bananas, apples.. and I eat frozen veggies.

    I also use macro super greens powder, which gives all the vitamins, nutrients and goodness of veggies.
  • louised88
    Honestly, after a week, I wouldn't worry too much! maybe you might be better to weight every two weeks or every month and measure every month as well (I know if I weigh every week I can fluctuate by 2 or 3 lbs and I get very discouraged at even a .5lb gain, so I only weigh once a month, at the same point in my cycle.)

    Your food choices seem pretty good, but you could always add more veg, eg I use frozen spinach in scrambled eggs (Birdseye do these, you just throw them in the microwave for 3 mins and then stir them into your eggs.) I also keep ziploc bags full of carrot sticks, cucumber sticks and apple slices in the fridge so I can grab a snack if I'm feeling nibbly.

    Even if you can wean yourself off the squash and onto plain water (I often find even sugar free stuff triggers massive carb cravings in me) that would also be a huge step! You could also make soups yourself, Lidl and Aldi do a soup mix with veg and barley, it's really simple and filling, but still low cal! Fish is also great, as is lean red meat (I tend to have spinach with everything, but any fibrous greens are great, filling and healthy.) Or make simple, fresh salads with your fave ingredients, I love baby spinach, roasted red pepper (I roast whole ones, chop them and then reheat as needed), red onion, goats cheese and turkey or chicken.

    If you're still feeling discouraged though, why don't you weigh and measure yourself now, plan a menu for four weeks, get out to exercise 3/4 times a week, make sure you get proper sleep and not think about weight or anything like that, and then see how you feel at the end? I bet you'll have lost inches and lbs and just feel so much better. If you haven't lost anything you can pop along to your dr and see if there's any underlying issues, if nothing else, being able to bring along your food and exercise diary can speed up the process (they'll know that you've tried diet and exercise).
  • louised88

    She's got squash and mixed veggies on there.

    the squash is juice you mix with water to drink.... i dont think that counts!

    i'm not saying i am perfect with getting my 5 portions a day, but i try.

    I don't like fruit or vegetables, not for lack of trying either as I've force fed myself them previously but just can't seem to get myself to like them.

    I do eat some fruit which I forgot to add to the list - bananas, apples.. and I eat frozen veggies.

    I also use macro super greens powder, which gives all the vitamins, nutrients and goodness of veggies.

    I just saw this after I posted my reply. You'll get a taste for them! It took me a month or so, to be honest, but now I love them! Especially super fresh ones from farmer's markets. Fruit can be quite high in sugar, so if you can get maybe 3 or 4 of your 5-a-day from vegetables it's probably better, at least from a weight-loss point of view.