green tea or coffee count towards my water intake?

hello again everyone.

I like water but just don't seem to drink much of anything at all. I have a litre when i go gym and about 3 green teas or coffees, does this count too? also i am ok with the calories at the moment but ia always go over my protein by about 15, is this bad and how does it affect me?


  • TwentyTen
    Good question. I count my green tea as water, since I am not putting anything in it, but coffee no , but that because I paack it with sugar and cream (it's an issue, I know,lol). Going over your protein is ok, I guess they set it low here, and especially if you are exercising, some extra protein is good for you from what I understand.
  • Dexterlover
    My aerobics instructor told me she counts coffee and tea as water :drinker: if it is decaf. Caffiene actually dehydrates you because it is a diaretic. Can anyone in the know speak to this?
  • EmilyStrick
    the problem with green tea and (especially) coffee is that they both have caffeine which acts as a diuretic and can actually lead to further dehydration. that being said, both can be good for you (especially green tea), you just have to drink more water. if plain water doesn't whet your palette, non-caffeinated herbal teas would be a good choice (without any added sweeteners) or water with slices of lemon, lime, orange, cucumber, etc. i don't know about the protein stuff, though......
  • rustyroof
    Your water intake is anything that is cold, if its warm or hot you can't count it.

    The more cold you put in the more calories you burn. The bosy cant not use cold liquids it has to be warm in order to use it.

    Any thing high in caffine or alcoholic is also bad try and avoid if you can, you cant count these either

    Try flavoured water, or a slice of citrus fruit.

    I still find it hard to take in alot of liquid, i even let my tea or coffee go cold so at least I am taking something in.

    Hope this helps

    Chelle : )
  • TwentyTen
    Your water intake is anything that is cold, if its warm or hot you can't count it.

    The more cold you put in the more calories you burn. The bosy cant not use cold liquids it has to be warm in order to use it.

    I often like my water warm or hot even, although I do undersatand cold is better for burning calories. I can still count it as water I hope, even if it isn't cold
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I dont count my green tea as water, but maybe you could...but I agree with the first post that coffee does not count (actually coffee de-hydrates you).

    If you cant get into drinking water try drinking it through a straw, have it sitting at your desk at work and you will just drink it without thinking about it. I use a plastic cup with a lid from home and re-fill it every day. Use a brita filter and it will taste good and you will get into it more.

    ...oh and green tea has anti-oxidants so keep it up with the green tea!!!!!!!!