Thanksgiving is over..NOW WHAT???

Its Over!! Now What??

1.Clean out the bad stuff from the refrigerator. This includes everything made with a ton of butter or sugar

2. Dump the rolls...that is all they are good for on your body;-) Get back to the grains and whole grain breads (if you have any breads at all).

3. Restock. Time to go to the grocery store and restock your shelves with all the goodies you need for a solid diet:
Healthy Grains
Lean Meats
Good Stuff!

4.Prepare. Time to get your foods for the week ready to go. Do your cooking and set your meal plan for the week.

5.Use good leftovers.
Pick the turkey clean and use the meat for your diet, it is great tasting and great for your weight loss diet!
Use the bones in a soup. Load veggies and wild/brown rice into a pot and cook them up into a nice thick soup that will be healthy, filling, nutritious, and good.

6.Workout. Get your butt back into your workout program or get one started today. The holidays are the most important time to exercise, AND the most neglected!

7.Stick with your program throughout the holiday season and stay light years ahead of everyone else who waits until January 2nd to get started!!!!


  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    As of today I have lost 34 pounds. I stayed away from the high calorie dishes being made in the first place, so our fridge is good to go today same as it was last week.

    But those are all excellent ideas, thanks for the reminder.
  • Awesome! Great to-do list!
  • My husband believes "cleaning out the fridge" is with his stomach....not what I meant!!!